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    It’s looking pretty good. It made serious bank and sold out in a lot of places. Fingers crossed!

    My guess would be probably but not necessarily. While I myself am not into it, many of my fellow asexuals enjoy porn and I’ve always wondered if there was any sort asexuals generally tended to gravitate to more than others.

    While it would piss off a lot of purists, I could really see blending Dr. Doom and Baron Mordo for those purposes.

    This is what I was worried about. Some people just cannot get over the stigma of it being a “comic book movie” that they’re making and try too hard ot make it not a “comic book movie” when everyone can see it is. They’re so convinced comics are silly and dumb that it almost comes off as them hating the source material

    Hmm..your cat and my dog may face some opposition for their commitment to birth control...

    Look, my parent’s cocker spaniel is a damn evil mastermind. She is the brains we need behind a baby sloth presidency and you also get a uterus on the ticket to bring the lady-vote. I think we could win this thing.

    I’v had similar experiences in restaurants. I am an incredibly picky eater and very, very detail-oriented so I usually spend time checking with the waiter beforehand if something can be done, and if it’s not done right the first time I generally err on the side of my not being specific enough and give them another

    I’ll admit, I’m stunned you would trust him with it.

    My dad got a lof of stuff like that when I was little. Especially because he cooked. But yeah, most choers were pretty evenly divded. And people acted like it was a freaking miracle.

    Just last night, when discussing different cultures in the workplace, my teacher noted how he had to can a saleswoman because she wouldn’t stop going on about how the Chinese were going to invade any day and Obama was going to initiate the end times. None of the other sales employees wanted to be around her because

    That’s what the store I worked at said. “Money and stock can be replaced, you can’t undo getting shot. Do what they say and just try to remember everything about it.”

    Yep. Spanish I cannot speak but generally understand, it just takes me longer to parse out the meaning than one could in a normal speed convo. Japanese, though, I will at best get the gist of what you are telling me unless I by a miracle recognize most of the nouns.

    I’d be screwed then. I have real issues in learning other languages (tried twice, Spanish and Japanese) and generally don’t retain more than nouns and maybe a few verbs.

    People just really underestimate how hard it is to larn a new laguage. I’ve tried twice (Spanish and Japanese) and I am utterly shit at it. I will never ever begrudge someone having trouble with English because of that.

    I gew up and there and yes, yes it is like both things you say.

    There was a great book I read years after 9/11, my dad had gotten it and I didn’t read it for years after he did, called “You Ride Alone, You Ride with Bin Laden.” It was a book that re-purposed old WW2 posters for the modern day and used them and articles to make fun of how little we were really doing as a nation and

    If you didn’t pick express and asked to set settings yourself, almost all of this can be turned off from the get go. Going through this article was more fine-tuning than anything.

    Agreed. I just didn’t do express settings and set them all myself at the start. Almost everything in this article was already turned off, and I never let Cortana turn on becuase she instantly asked for info I was “no” on giving.

    I don’t drink but my bingo card is ready.

    Every winter in middle school. Every single one.