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    And frankly in regards to Pokemon Snap they’d be better served to make a new verison that used the Wii U’s motion controls and has some of the popular newer mons. And that would only be if there was demand for it.

    ...Okay, SPOILERS becuse I want to warn you

    Yeah, the plotline’s dumb, but her look is pretty good...excluding those damn not-eyebrows! Throws all her expressions way off. Plus the severe bun and heavy makeup make her look a decade older. I think that’s the point but yeesh!

    Once Upon a Time is reversing it! Emma went evil and her hair is now tight and straight!...and for some reason her eyebrows are gone...

    Same here. Got it from my Jewish dad and he still had the temerity to accuse me of not brushing it. It looks like this normally, Dad! I move and it goes crazy, regardless of tangles or lack thereof!

    It looks like when I use a diffuser on my hair, which I have taken the liberty of naming the poodle. This is why I do not use diffusers.

    I have curly hair and once my mom talked me into letting the stylist use a diffuser instead of straightening it. The resulting mess of tiny ringlets was very poofy. It was still not an afro. If it had to be called something, then it was a poodle.

    I honestly feel kind of bad for him. He only even did the 4th game becuase his fans asked, he’s just not that scared by the series and not that into it (even when he was reacting in earlier games it seemed to be more frustrated than scared/startled). And now they’re complaining becuse he didn’t react that much when he

    Agreed. I use a great sunscreen, but if I forget to reapply it does jack shit for me.

    Some protestors throw them. You know, like pelting someone with tomatoes. Which is oh so scarier than shooting, don’tcha know.

    I cannot even get into how out of touch and silly and please-let-there-be-no-imitators this is because the logistical part of my brain is screaming too loudly about all the logical issues inherent to this practice.

    That is not enough war paint to get into Valhalla. Mediocre!

    Agreed. By making the word mean only the worst of it, it absolves people of the lesser but still-occuring acts they do.

    Trust me, the spirit of chaos and disharmony is well ahead of even The Donald on this one.

    The only part any of them have in-roads with are the Cuban-American part of the Latino demographic. There have been a few studies that show on average Cuban-Americans skew more conservative than most other Latino groups. This was, for example, used when discussing Rubio as while he may be able to get the

    I’ve tried, but Rubio never listens to me. Thank god Nelson usually does (gotta love swing states).

    It was very fun. My favorite part was when we were at a charity 5k. Superman and the Flash decided to run the first kilometer, but then the Flash decided to run the whole darn thing (most of us were waiting along the route or at the finish line to congratulate the kids running). Since our Flash was no pro runner, we

    Which makes utter sense when it’s explained like that. I remember some other kids I grew up with thinking it was for women who were married but no longer were for any reason.

    I always thought it meant “unamrried adult woman” and Miss was just for girls. Like, there was a bar at 21 or something.

    Seriously, it feels so AWFUL to see how HAPPY the kids are to see you. I mean, I was in a group in college that dressed up as superheros to visit hospitals and other places like this and we were just pure evil, doing things like...taking pictures with the kids! Telling them they were awesome! Making them smile! Truly