Sad Bunny

...and this is why I am a Sad Bunny. Your idiocy makes me weep for America.

No. I have been fighting these little fuckers for months. Tell me more.

If/when I get proposed to, I would hope my boyfriend knows me well enough that I would never, ever enjoy anything so terribly awkward and public. Seriously, if you don't understand the fundamental social anxiety that forever orbits my brain, you probably have no business marrying me.

Personally, I'm donating my body to science...but this is a great option. I like the idea of having a tree in the place of my dead loved one to connect with after they are gone. Having something not only tangible, but living to grieve with would be immensely comforting. I think the world is ripe for this idea, good

Sing it, girlfriend!

You did get the part where Erin says it's a joke, right? It's in this spirit of my personal favorite: http://www.downloadmoreram.com/

The majority of the population hasn't considered it an option to think through whether or not to have CHILDREN, much less pets.

I just can't get over image of the play button to the video being squarely in the middle of the disembodied model's face. She looks like a very serious, sexyfaced jack-o-lantern.

I would so do it too.

Ha! It's a meme all over FB already. Internet, will you marry me?

I think changing these bronze age idealists' minds in irrelevant to the struggle at hand. All we have to do is to convince them that regardless of their beliefs, they do not have the right to legislate their religious dogma upon the citizens of a secular society.

My mind is having a hard time comprehending just how incredibly hardcore this woman is.

Well, I may use cash, but I'm not a total dolt, lol. But if I have 19.97 in my wallet, and the bill is $9.47, you bet I'm going to give a five, 4 one's, a quarter, two dimes and too freaking pennies. Keeping the big bills whole helps to not nickel and dime it death. Parking meters don't take pennies. And trust me, if

I carry cash to stay on budget. I take out the money that is liquid for the week, and when it's gone, it's gone. Everything in the bank is strictly for bills and saving. I find that in using a debit card, there is a massive amount of disconnect between me and what I actually spend; to have the cash, tangible in my


Another fantastic idea. I think the bubbles will help, as my cocktails are all liquor with a soda pop wash.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of plain water either...so thanks for the recipe! I am so going to try it. I am trying my best to break a 2 cocktail a day habit, so this will come in handy.

If you think about it, masculinity today is more defined by what it isn't that what it is. Masculinity, in its most base sense in our society, is the absence of femininity.

That would be lovely, but the US can't even get its own citizens to learn American history...or even current events, for that matter. Willful ignorance is all the rage here nowadays.

Pure win.