Miss Pooslie

We had an intern leave a drunk voicemail on the company machine at 3am. He slurred through the whole thing to let us know that he wouldn’t be coming in the next day because he was sick.

I’m 4 years older than this writer and I cannot connect with any of this. I think there is a big difference between millennials born in the ‘80s and those born in the ‘90s. My brother and I have such different world outlooks.

One time in college I was scheduled to work on the 4th of July, and I called and told my boss I couldn’t come in because I was stuck on a boat.

I am so amused at the apparently universal disdain for this post. I had previously expressed a desire for more long-form. Maybe I need to reconsider.

this was so many

God, it finally happened — I forgot how to read. Because I have no idea what any of this means.

I read that Times article a week (or two?) ago and was shocked that they published it. It was so weird and pointless.

I suppose Lincoln thought he was doing the right thing when he wanted to reunify the country, but had he known the south would be this bitter about losing the war and having to consider blacks as human beings instead of property, do you think he might have said, “Fuck these guys, we’ll be okay without them”?

It seems that he is not enforcing his anti-discrimination law on churches and religion, which seems okay to me unless a lot of government services are done through the church.

Is it too late to let the South secede? At this point I’d like to be rid of them. Not to mention I’d be fascinated to see what kind of country they would come up with. I picture something like Somalia after five years, tops.

Right. I have an acquaitance who once said that if you go to a guy’s house who is clearly interested in you, you should expect to have sex with him, and I was like, hold the fucking phone. I’m 34 years old and have had sex with a lot of people, and I still expect things to generally progress from kissing, to hands and

Ann Landers was waayyyyy better. I remember as a kid she said a woman could walk down the street naked and it would still be rape. Miss her.

“He had made no secret that he wanted sex with you”

I could not wrap my head around this - when someone tells you that whatever you are doing is physically hurting them, you stop doing what you are doing. This is a basic thing that we all learn as little kids. There was no break down of communication, he just ignored her.

What part of. “Stop, it hurts,” constitutes a breakdown in communication? And this whole, both parties made mistakes bullshit is sickening. This rapist doesn’t need a stern talk from his parents outside of, “when a girl\woman says no and, stop, you’re hurting me, take your fucking hands off of her and take some time

That first one got it tho.

I told two of my close friends about what happened. One said he had essentially raped me. The other said it doesn’t count as rape because even though I said it hurt, I didn’t say it forcefully enough.

A perfect example, ladies and gentlemen, of why “yes means yes” has to be taught alongside “no means no.” Poor woman ):

Hm funny she says that because I usually like to take my new ugly ass tunics to the tailor and have them cut giant holes in front of my pussy. For the air.

I’m guessing for this method, someone else entirely is paying to refill those fire extinguishers, and you don’t need them for fire safety? Because otherwise, this is the stupidest fucking idea ever.