Miss Pooslie

“As someone who, while personally uncomfortable with abortion, is a fervent believer in a woman’s right to choose…

As I responded to the other bizarrely black-and-white thinker in this thread, no, it’s really not. For example, I am personally uncomfortable with the idea of being in an open relationship. I would, personally, feel guilty for fucking other people even if I had my partner’s full permission to do so. The actual

Your own failure of imagination does not actually make other people’s entirely reasonable positions stupid.

Because abortion, as history has shown, is an incredibly simple black and white issue where it’s extremely obvious how one should feel about it. Nuance has no place in the real world.

That is such a false equivalency. And does it matter if this person believes it ends life so long as they are not trying to take the choice away from women?

Pain from slowly being miscarried for days because the mother can’t get an abortion once it is obvious she is miscarrying, = perfectly fine.

I have talked about this before but I think it’s worth repeating: I work doing budget projections for health programs in a government agency. Either I or someone in my team talks directly to republicans about the consequences of their proposals on the budget. Their proposals often result on a net cost. Their response

The commenter is pro-choice, but personally uncomfortable with abortion, meaning that abortion isn’t an option for this person but s/he believes it should be an option for others. Why is that stupid?

“As someone who, while personally uncomfortable with abortion, is a fervent believer in a woman’s right to choose.”

I was given a lot of painkillers for my abortion. Pretty sure the clumps of tissue I expelled didn’t need them but my fully developed nervous system did.

Couldn’t just hold on your faux outrage for even a second, could you? I don’t know how that poster could have been be more clear that he or she believes in free choice and admonished this ‘law’.

But they didn’t qualify their discomfort as a reason to ban abortion? They said they were uncomfortable with it but believed in a woman’s right to choose. What you’re saying is absolutely true, but it’s not being directed to the right person.

They’re just a mess of contradictions. First, they call women sluts for having sex, but all they want women to do is pop out babbies! Then they stop women from getting abortions/birth control but then accuse them of being welfare queens when they give birth!

It’s just the way of conservatives acting like a fetus, which is a clump of cells with no idea of its existence, is the same thing as a woman. Whether that be a teenaged woman or a 46 year old. The fact that there are people fighting for the rights of a cluster of cells that resembles a human, but can’t accept that a

That’s gonna be a real head-scratcher when the fetus is like the size of a lima bean, or smaller.

The Republican Party showing once again their “compassionate conservatism”. Take a woman who wants to be pregnant and foist the horrors of them dictating how she should terminate a pregnancy. I have no words.

It’s really important that Democrat voters also get out in number and vote in their state and local elections, not just for the presidency. It’s these state elections that have the most consequence for these stupid TRAP and woman-punishing laws.

I don’t have to hold my nose. I’ll vote for whoever is the dem nom joyously.

From the article: Many women already receive anesthesia or painkillers if they have surgical abortions, and those drugs naturally pass to the fetus.

This is the world republicans envision. A return to the days before Roe v. Wade. They can’t make that happen directly just yet, so they edge around the corners with the explicit purpose of difficulty, harassment and humiliation. If they could pass a law requiring women seeking an abortion to leap through two purple