Miss Pooslie

beenhere is not the OP.....

i was 29 before i changed my first diaper—it was a toddler poopie one too, ugh.

this! i get sick the next day everytime my family drags me to OG

so there was a few episodes of the TV show “Angel” where they got sucked into a parallel world called Pylea and the character Cordelia has visions and was considered the chosen one but she was supposed to have “conshuk” (sex) with this dude (the Goosalug) to transfer the visions onto him. I just know that Joss Wheton

I KNOW! if she can’t do it how could i ever do it?

i don’t get it either, she has struggled with her weight for years, why would WW think she’s a good example? it seems like she’s tried every diet out there and always ends up being slightly larger than what she wants to be. sometimes that is just the weight that your body wants to be. like if Oprah fucking Winfrey

what program?

yet more evidence that these people are not pro-life but are actually pro-punishment.they do their best to stop birth control and abortion and then they pull this shit if you do keep the baby. fuck these fuckers.

2 notes:

friends is an illegal sublet of a rent controlled apartment—its monica’s grandmother’s

friends is an illegal sublet of a rent controlled apartment—its monica’s grandmother’s

because friends has a reason— is an illegal sublet of a rent controlled apartment—its monica’s grandmother’s

idk about the flight but the apartment is an illegal sublet of a rent controlled apartment—its monica’s grandmother’s

friends is an illegal sublet of a rent controlled apartment—its monica’s grandmother’s. they only pay $200/month

friends is an illegal sublet of a rent controlled apartment—its monica’s grandmother’s

i forgot to add rent controlled.

friends is an illegal sublet—Monica only pays $200/month.

it wasn’t really a box of scraps though, it was a shit ton of stark bombs

illegal subletting—the apartment is actually Monica’s grandmother’s rent controlled apartment. i think they said in one episode the rent was only $200/month?

came to the comments to say this. Cher’s character (Loretta) lives with her parents after her husband died.