Miss Pavlichenko, if you're nasty

...Donald Trump masks that Ivanka makes Kushner put on for sexy times.

But how many pee bottles are currently stashed under couches / behind dressers / etc? Because I figure that a bathroom-less Secret Service agent is going to handle things in classic “drywall crew working on the second floor” fashion.

You forgot “many people, some of the best people are saying,” but I’ll allow it because come on, obviously.

Starred for everything, but particularly for the accent grave on “belovèd.” My inner New Yorker editor applauds.

A number of years ago, I read Milton Mayer’s “They Thought They Were Free” and -that- was the book that really solidified a lot of it for me. In the 50s, Mayer went to Germany and did extensive interviews with ten (I think) “ordinary Germans” to try to figure out how fascism developed, was tolerated, and eventually

I’m seeing a cross between Comme des Garcons S/S97 “Body Meets Dress, Dress Meets Body” and one of those spiky Hot Topic backpacks. But that’s just me.

CNN reports that a woman was shot in the chest on Capitol grounds and is in critical condition. It is unclear who shot her and whether she was among those protesting.

See also: Mary Cheney.

Definitely one of those cases where you can get virtually all of the story just by reading the URL.

Surprise! I totally agree, and yet somehow the *record scratch* *bass drop* *wacky “OH NO SHE DIDN’T” style text overlay* of all the promos is objectively terrible.

That makes as much sense as anything, so thanks! I guess “it’s different Earths” is the DC equivalent of “a wizard did it.”

I haven’t watched Titans, but apparently April Bowlby plays Rita Farr on both Titans and Doom Patrol, so ... ? On the other hand, it’s Doom Patrol, so “separate Earths” is the least weird explanation.

Diane Guerrero really is excellent in it.

You get Alan Tudyk, Timothy Dalton, and Mark Sheppard for free, too!

Nearly fourteen hundred words and I don’t disagree with any of them.

In the film, Little played protagonist Sheriff Bart, a former slave

I’d like to think that, in her situation, I’d have done the right thing. This is one of those “walk a mile in her shoes” kind of situations, though - she’s a young woman getting death threats from people who know where she live, who certainly killed someone already or are at least conveying the threat from someone who

Mike Pence? Who cares! I’m not getting the vaccine until I see Mike Hot-Pence getting it .*

Have eaten both Beyond and Impossible burgers. For the Beyond patty, your experience is virtually the same as mine. It was not very good, certainly not particularly beef-like, and also, why is it so expensive for these two sad patties in a massive clamshell? The Impossible patty was worlds better (had it both at a

It’s nice that they were able to reuse the props from Midsommar so soon.