Miss Pavlichenko, if you're nasty

Lawyer for Man Charged With Killing Mob Boss Says It’s Trump’s Fault He’s in This Mess

I will never not star a Real Genius reference.

Ex: John Draper, Chris Lamprecht, Kevin Poulsen, etc. 

I am old enough to have downloaded CDC ezines / text files with my blazing 9600 baud modem. Come at me, youths.

Let him whose social media history is without shit cast the first post.

Correction noted, and appreciated. This is why I never got that New Yorker gig, etc. etc.

In the Venn diagram of what Trump believes, the circles for “stupid beliefs,” “laughable beliefs,” and “terrifying beliefs” overlap completely.

Spirochetes are a hell of a pathogen.

(T)his threat was utterly empty. Trump never ordered FEMA to cut off the funds.

(I)n the long run, the Democratic Party may actually be healthier for Hillary’s failure to secure the Presidency - look at the diversity and courage of the freshman class of House Representatives.

A replica of Detroit’s “Monument to Joe Louis”?

1. I wish my local health department had applied the same logic to our office potlucks. There were some sketchy potato salads and questionable-temperature chilis on offer.


Dressing as the Statue of Liberty and the border wall at the same time ... the cognitive dissonance there is is truly breathtaking.

From that header image, it looks like someone set him a little too close to the fireplace.

It makes the Trump-surveillance buildings really easy to spot in aerial photos, though. I mean, you can’t hide Foxconn nets that big.

Where it should have stopped is at the deal standpoint, when they thought about it.

the typical American: the farmer, factory hand, auto mechanic, machinist, teamster, shop owner, clerk, software engineer, infantryman, truck driver, housewife

Because I’ve a messy bitch who lives for drama, I vote for either Tammy Duckworth or Mazie Hirono.

And the family’s farm isn’t even in California anymore. It’s in Iowa! (where it is apparently up to some hinky shit at odds with Nunes’s public-facing political stance)