Miss Pavlichenko, if you're nasty

He may be right in the long run. Temperature limits raised will cause some outrage but not as much as rolling brownouts —and if enough people were outraged by brownouts then voters might do something about it.

It wouldn’t be as bad if they were subject to national regulation, but they’re not. Allowing thermostats to be controlled by a bunch of wealthy men who aren’t interested in weatherizing on the grid (greed) smacks pretty hard of sticking their hands into people’s homes to maintain their unregulated, higher profit

Before you start healing, you need to make sure to cut out all the cancer, and we’re no where near finished with the knife.

This isn’t an American thing, this is a stupid fucking Texas thing lol.

I know Murricans aren’t big on collectivism and acting in the common good, but there is value in securing the continued functionality of the grid - as opposed to sudden and complete failure in the case of an overload.

The wealthy ownership class of the Texas electrical grid want the power to adjust your home temperature at will. “Gotta keep our pockets filled at peak efficiency! If the profits stumble a bit, we’ll let the people suffer to balance it all out again.”

Looks like it, and also they put a bunch of assholes in charge of their electricity AND government.  Really fucked themselves pretty good.

Abortion is against God’s Law. God wants every child to be born, with the unwanted ones dumped at “Mother & Baby” homes where they can be quietly starved and buried in mass graves. The rest are to be used as playthings for priests. This is the Word of the Lord. Amen.

That they’re doing this in response to a pro-choice Catholic, but never even considered anything like this for pro-death penalty Catholics, kind of gives away the game, doesn’t it?

He did, he did! It was right after the part about “If you see a beggar, hoard all your vast heaps of gold” and just before “If a bunch of child victims win a suit against you, have the diocese declare bankruptcy so they can pay for their own therapy”.

Your sensible question tells me that you would be quickly booted out of the American Conference of Catholic Bishops, and your decoder ring confiscated.

This is the organization that has been busy drop-kicking their perceived moral authority into the next county by enabling child abusers for the last forty or so years (that we know about). This is the organization that, because of abortion, had little or nothing to say about Trump’s character and sexual activities;

Mass graves of children and babies seems to be a thing the Catholic Church does, with no explanations for the deaths.

What about Catholics who support the death penalty? Isn’t that the flip side of the same coin? 

You can murder and rape the children only after they are born, not before. I’m pretty sure Jesus said that.

...yet the Catholic church doesn’t seem to be preoccupied with genocide of indigenous children ...

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

From what I hear, the pope is opposed to getting involved in politics this way. This is completely an American Catholic shitshow.

While hiding records of indigenous children they killed in Canada.

Come on over to The Satanic Temple.