Miss Pavlichenko, if you're nasty

I would also have accepted “Skrewdriver CD”.

I would pay for some appropriately-named channel that only showed footage of foxes going about their daily lives. Those little guys are fascinating!

The New Jim Crow is worth your time. Alexander’s approach is generally sociological, basing her argument on statistical and legal analysis. There’s a lot of foundation-building by documentation, but it’s important to the argument, and I think you’ll find it both readable and compelling.

But no one tells Stephen Miller to turn the volume down on his Burzum CD ...

The answer is “Cohen v. California,” I imagine.

I imagine it’s like how those white-separatist types are alllll about the interracial porn.

I assume his full name is Tony Giveortakeanov Hovater.

I know a guy who has installed a pair of “truck nuts” on his wheelchair. I feel this is both acceptable and entertaining.

I guessed “coal-powered rape whistle,” but OK, this is even stupider.

(looks at header photo) OK, imprisoning your passengers in an inescapable live music experience is bad enough, but taking up THREE WHOLE OVERHEAD BINS with stage lights? That’s just evil.

Now that I reread, you have a good point — I wasn’t quite clear about the whole exchange. Lady #1 says “your costume was great!” and I say “uh, what costume? I wasn’t in here wearing a costume” and lady #2 says “oh yeah you were, it was a vampire costume!” etc. etc. I think maybe they thought I was lying to ... keep

@asmallcat: I was definitely both surprised and confused. :)

Mr. Courtney is a truly kind man. I don’t have that kind of patience.

@Ray-Han: Well said. Violence is important and useful, but it’s not everything.

Yeah, I would prefer to go on not actually encountering this thing in person, thanks. :)

@forgotthekeyasusual: I hadn’t heard of that subreddit! Thanks!

I have never seen a ghost. I have not received repeated phone calls from disconnected numbers. Weird things do not generally happen to me.

Counterpoint: Please start flogging CEOs.

I always like G.K. Chesterton’s formulation : “’My country, right or wrong,’ is a thing that no patriot would think of saying. It is like saying, ‘My mother, drunk or sober.’”

Absolutely agreed. My local shooting range often has a couple of cops there. I find that, generally, their marksmanship is at best below average, and their lack of trigger discipline / general weapon handling skills makes me very nervous when I’m in the next lane. If they undergo any firearms training at all, there’s