Miss Pavlichenko, if you're nasty

I admire your restraint in not going for “A Dweeb Grows in Brooklyn.”

(Spoilers for Hard Boiled follow. It’s only like the greatest action movie to come out of the 90s. Go watch it now.)

Counterpoint (as if it were needed) : the great Toshiro Mifune.

The Infinite Monkey Cage, from the BBC.

Every time I see one of those jackets, my brain rhymes “ICE” with “POLICE”. Like a little echo.

The memo refers to the heartless and unusually expansive raids as “Operation Mega,”

Every time I see that photo, I flash back to Mike Dukakis in that tank.

No wonder Trump could happily stare at the eclipse without glasses. After so many years of exposure to the glare off that interior decor, his retinas are like eggshells now.

I’m literally a card-carrying member of the ACLU. I’m just fine with their previous stance, and I’m also fine with their new position. The ACLU only has so many resources and they take cases based not on the virtues of the plaintiffs, but whether the case is a good one to move up the judicial ladder and hopefully set

It is surprising how Trump is all about these Confederate bigwigs, considering his well-known distaste for losers.

You’d think the Times would have learned their lesson after 1915's “Those Balls of Meat on Your Noodles? They Are Supposed to Be There” and 1950's “That Seasoned Pork, Onions, and Cilantro in Your, I Don’t Know, Folded-Up Cornmeal Pancake? It’s Something Mexicans Eat, And We Guess They Like That Sort of Thing”.  

So all this discussion on your post is about point 2, but can we also underline point 1, which is why is this person who bragged about committing a widely-publicized aggravated assault not already in the county lockup?

Yes. The official communications of the members of the government establish the priorities of the national apparatus. What laws will be enforced, what legislation will be drafted, where the coercive power of the state will be targeted ... these are communicated at the most fundamental level by, frankly, words. If the

I live in a tiny Alaskan town ... and there are, according to CNN, literally no active hate groups in my state.

the skinheads that used to come to ruin punk and metal shows could at least take and give a fucking punch/bite/chair leg.

Cat vs. toddler GIFs? You are truly a sicko after my own heart.

In the punk scene the Nazis are scary in the real world because they’re psychopaths who love violence.

I’m going to reprise my comment on another post re. this video because I’m a bad Kinja but:

And all it took was the threat of potential violence.

This is how it’s done. Separate them from the pack, and 90% of these fascists crumble.