Miss Pavlichenko, if you're nasty

To properly cover it up, they should really extend the hoardings to the top of the monument.

The monument that “sticks like a fishbone / in the city’s throat”. Lowell’s poem is absolutely brutal and a fitting complement to it.

Own it! I look forward to your future posts on the ontological status of knowledge.

Cf. Karl Popper’s “paradox of tolerance.” An open society like ours has a right to self-preservation, and in this case it’s preserving itself from fascism.

This was good as hell. Nuanced, incisive, and seriously the “racism in cups of Henny” bit is still killing me internally. Please write more, and more often.

That’s why it’s on a Nazi red flag, with a Nazi white circle and he calls it a Nazi flag.

Veterans who fought for his right to fly it? Not to put too fine a point on it, but they fought against people flying that flag so that he could ... you know what? It doesn’t even matter. He could spend his spare time training orphan kittens to fight ISIS with a carbon-neutral rainbow-spurting machine of his own

Now playing

I’m sure this one is particularly horrifying, but I only watch Trump’s press conferences when they’ve been redubbed as Sassy Trump:

As if a thousand neo-fascists suddenly cried out, mid-fap, and were suddenly silenced.

I agree, and add: civil disobedience can be promoted by sympathetic people like you (yes, you!) serving on juries. It’s jury nullification, and it’s one of the few consequence-free acts of protest written into the US legal system.

many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists

“...when civil disobedience is no longer civil.”