Krisha Rhee

I'm still not completely where I'd like to be with the organization of my place, but it was an incredibly worthwhile investment to spend half a day working with a professional organizer. She helped me identify what my problem areas were and start some systems that have been super helpful. I purged my closet earlier

I think it's a lot more that people feel uncomfortable and intimidated. You might have that desire to get fit, but don't really want that super hot person seeing your jiggly bits wobbling around. My experience has been that those really fit people are into their workouts so deep, they're not really noticing other

That sounds like a kid's dream after-school program, not a place with exercise equipment.

Dear lord, I seriously hope not. In fact, I hope Ashlee keeps her musical...whatevers...limited to a small room adjacent to her home and not ever, ever again in public.

Pizza night at a gym has to be the most bass-ackwards thing I've heard of in a long time.

The second image is pretty much how I've always used it. I tried excluding my palms from the rest altogether, and it was basically UNpossible (for me).

What in the entire fuck? It's school property and we took it away to prevent harm.

How did she get to the position of head flight attendant without knowing the proper procedure? That seems odd.

What in the everloving fuck is a lolly water? Like, I need some serious backstory on that. I get 'coke' (despite the obvious problems) and 'pop' (despite it being stupid), but LOLLY WATER? Come on, man...

I was just looking for something to use Amazon's 30% off promo on — I think I've found it.

I shouted 'no! no!' at the part about the cousin and lover's respective situations. IANAL, but I worked at a firm that specialized in elder law, so I saw many, nasty things happen when a person died without a will or one that didn't reflect their current life. I can only imagine that situations dealing with things

Fuck this guy and fuck the LAUSD for using him as a consultant.

Ooh shit, that was hilarious.

"It's the absolute truth." — ok, sir.

Grits are enjoyed in both their sweet and savory forms with great passion. Fuck adding sweet-n-low, but sweet grits aren't an abomination, just a different presentation.

That wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting.

I dig it.

She's right, though.

Yeah, so, about that original statement — it should probably mention that it only applies to the credit version, since there's a debit option available with the same perks.

I like this one!