Does the credit rating concern apply if you get the debit version? I was on the fence about getting a card for a while (don't need another credit card), but when an associate mentioned the debit option, it was a game-changer.
Does the credit rating concern apply if you get the debit version? I was on the fence about getting a card for a while (don't need another credit card), but when an associate mentioned the debit option, it was a game-changer.
Since switching to a high-deductible plan, I'd love to have an FSA though work, but they don't offer it. It's HSA (funds available as you contribute) or nothing. [Except for a childcare FSA, which seems like it'd be better set up the way the HSA is...]
Depends on the travel I'm doing. For work, I carry (and check) a suitcase with a tote as a carry-on. For leisure, it's whatever combination of bags lets me carry what I want, so it's usually a backpack + a rolling duffle or something like that.
So, is Lindsay basically just wearing a babydoll top? Because there's no way that shit is a dress.
In the 9+ years since college graduation, I've done everything from scheduling charter bus tours to working as a 'legal assistant' (the catch-all title they gave to anyone that wasn't an attorney). My IT background (and degree in CSIS) were my way onto people's radars, but I've found that my passion is customer…
As a DC-metro area resident, I've tried to warn people that flying down 95 with a radar detector is good for every place BUT here, but few have heeded the warning. There are places where the changeover between jurisdictions isn't glaringly apparent, so I discourage them on GP until you've reached NC or OBVIOUS MD.
I think your fury is a bit misplaced with this comment on this article.
'Buff wings'? For real? OMG, this is hilariously terrible.
I love this shit.
Opera-length gloves! I cannot get enough of them, despite their impracticality in my touchscreen life.
While I appreciate that they're not grossed out by period sex (I mean, I like it from time to time), there's a limit to one's passion about a thing before it veers off into 'hardcore' territory and becomes off-putting.
I may wind up getting a replacement for mine because I've been less than nice with it, but I love everything else about it.
I may wind up getting a replacement for mine because I've been less than nice with it, but I love everything else…
You tried it.
That's quite possibly the ultimate.
I once got an antibiotic shot in my butt cheek and the NP told me that it might make me feel a little weird. I was fine until I got within 10 minutes of my house (on the highway). MY stomach started gurgling and my hole was on fire. I pooted and as soon as I did, I knew I'd opened the gates. I tried driving with my…
So, I now have to refer to players as 'Triumph [jersey #]' (or some variation), because somebody thought it was unpatriotic to have their names show up somewhere?
Some of these are quite creative.
The TMZ link in the article is from July.
The delay has definitely been one of the reasons I haven't really gotten into using Simple. I'll see if this removes that barrier to entry for me. Thanks for the tip!
Is her name a common Vietnamese one? She's also black, so even if it were fairly common, there's no guarantee that it'd be pronounced as such.