Fact: Children never carry germs or make hideous noises at night.
Fact: Children never carry germs or make hideous noises at night.
I was very anti-Tavi for the longest time. I thought she was almost too precocious and everyone was trying so hard to make her a thing, to make her into this little Anna Wintour in training, a tastemaker for the teenage set. But I've started to read her work and listen to her interviews (especially with Stephen…
This: "But then people will say, "She's always talking about being bored, that's petulant," which I feel like is kind of taking the piss out of teenage emotions—just, like, making light of how teenagers feel. When people react that way about things that every teenager experiences, how can you expect to make anything…
Kids these days are so ignorant. WHen watching Princess Bride:
Jezebel publishes lots of horrific stories and rape is major point of concern for people interested in feminist issues. The point of this story is to be informed.
Alternate headlines time!
Erm, Edith is not boring this series.
Agreed. I'm not criticizing Milano for saying it. But come on, people. Credit where credit is due, that was a sick burn!
So when exactly will all these Catholic organizations be firing all of their divorced employees?
Thank you! [waits while people furiously google "Nikki Cox" and recoil in horror...]
Guys? You know about Jay Mohr's wife, right? Like how she used to be really beautiful and has since had so many cosmetic procedures she's nearly unrecognizable? Alyssa Milano was not taking the high road with that tweet.
I feel like I should donate to a therapy fund for him...
My cousin is almost 15, and he's "Jadon." He really hates "Jayden," especially considering how popular it's gotten lately, because "Everyone spells my name wrong. And not even the right wrong, either. It was bad enough to get it spelled Jaden when Karate Kid came out, now they're throwing in y's, too." Being a…
This is going to sound weird, and MOM DON'T READ THIS!
But I think the best thing my Mom did for me when I was younger was to be open with her natural body. She has stretch marks, she has sagging, she didn't shave anything but her legs and armpits, and only when she was going to be showing them. And she was…
Test comment...
Oh, bah humbug! I don't mind all of these goofy words and slang terms. I love this aspect of the English language. Some words are overused and used incorrectly, but I'm not personally offended by most of them. Maybe it's because I teach middle school English, but I am much more frustrated by my students' butchery of…
That's an ape. #apeshame
My grandmother said "moist rump roast" the other day and I gagged.