
(credit to Mona Chalabi)

This was amazing. Thank you for writing!

Fuck Tom and all the Toms of the world.

Becoming Ugly

In 2001, when I was about 14 years old, my male friends invented a game that went like this: one of them—and it was

OT, but I just had a bunch of Jezebel and Gawker sub-blogs follow me and I just wanna say thank you. Is this happening for everyone who survived the Gawkapocalypse? I can comment on The Slot now and not be in the greys!

If you just drop it in the water without looking, how do you know you’re clean? You just blindly hope there’s not still smearings of shit on your ass?

No joke I think I converted when I was 28 as well. I wouldn’t say I was stand-shamed, but my friends let me know that was not the norm, and there was/is a better way. I’m now 32 and have been sit wiping with no regrets. Thanks to my friend Brian for always shitting with the door open which really broke the ice on this

Standing up to wipe makes NO SENSE. You are closing up shop when you stand up! What are you wiping - the outer cheek?

This is the funniest thing I've read in weeks. Thanks!

I have a good friend whose in-laws are choosing to express their displeasure about her not taking their last name in the most passive-aggressive way possible. They know she kept her name, but they’ve apparently instructed their entire family to address all cards, invitations, etc. to Mr. and Mrs. Son’s First/Last

A better world through laziness. Now that’s activism I can get behind. Sorta.

I pretty much didn’t change my name after my marriage out of laziness, but I lied to my husband and said I Felt Strongly About The Patriarchy And My Name is My Name.

I tried to talk my partner into taking a neutral last name (neither his nor mine), but he didn’t like my suggestion: Poodlewrangler.

Michael: Since when are you against leather?

Yeah and that's what makes it gross! I'd be horrified if I ever came in contact with a penis that was QUIVERING

I love that someone can conceive of a way to create leather goods that doesn’t seriously harm the animal. It goes to show that we can create all kinds of fantasies to accommodate our desires. (I say this as someone who is very sad that animals are harmed to make leather goods and steaks but not so sad as to not

There are only two robotic solutions to overpopulation: killer robots or sex robots. I say we go with the sex robots.

Dude, no. The show actually taught a pretty good lesson to kids: The things that go bump in the night aren’t supernatural bullshit, but people with agendas who can be exposed via the thorough gathering of evidence and/or hijinks. Their are no ghosts and no monsters, just the application of science, technology and