
Haha. I was actually just lifted out of the grey, thank you Throb! I spend all my time on Groupthink so I’m grey everywhere else. Whatevs. I like me.

Does anyone else want to blow into that thing that kinda looks like a bagpipe to see what it sounds like? We could call it a rag-pipe and marching bands could play them in parades.

That was actually a pretty funny comment. I'd never realised you were clever before.

You can look at mine! I don't know how you follow it because I am technologically challenged but... anyway it's www.jessica-Hammond.com

Thanks but several people already pointed this out over a year ago when I made that comment.

As someone from a country where we speed it "arse" it took me an embarrassingly long time to realise we weren't discussing donkeys.

Did you just put your name on the top of an article from The Onion, Mark?

Thank you so much for clarifying this.

I can't read the link, sorry - beef is pretty bad regardless of how it is produced - I think if you take animal welfare, pollution, antibiotic use and food safety into account grass fed probably comes out better though.

I don't know either. I would guess with time they could produce less corn and more grass - I don't think it's a lack of land that's the problem. I assume prices for beef would go up, but then taxes for corn would go down, so... I don't know - I just know that other countries make free range work on a massive scale :)

Yes, in NZ we spend 18% on food - though food is considered expensive here I think so I'm not sure that is a good amount either. But it's also complicated by the fact that the US is one of the richest countries per capita - so you'd expect it to be towards the bottom of that graph (it is in fact at the very bottom,

Cattle is almost exclusively free range in New Zealand and Australia. My understanding is that corn subsidies are a big part of what makes feedlots more economical in the US.

I agree with most of what you are saying - but that graph is not as convincing as it looks at first glance. Almost all of the countries on there are low and middle-income countries. It's not until the bottom quarter of the graph that you start hitting rich countries. People with less money always spend a higher

You're semen pretty upbeat for someone who just saw the same picture I saw. Bleurgh.

That is truly magnificent. I, for one, am particularly moved by the charmingly ungrammatical "hero's".

Ooh, I want to be a Pennsylvania billboard designer. How's this:

Jennifer Lopez has been offered a lube sponsorship. Not quite sure what a lube sponsorship is

The is a lovely story and all, but where is the gay food promised in the title? Gay food is underrepresented in mainstream media as it is, and frankly I expected better from Jezebel.

I was going to post something similar.

Have you seen Jemaine's latest project? Apparently very funny