
It's free delivery night tonight, as it happens. I'll let you know ;)

Coming up this weekend we also have the "Great Easter Bunny Hunt" which is an annual fun family day of shooting small furry animals (but seriously they are a real problem and they'll either be shot quickly or poisoned slowly, so...).

Ah, now we are talking at cross-purposes, old bean. Perhaps they do call them mange tout in the US, which is where I assumed you were from, but here in New Zealand we call them snow peas.

I had to google mange tout - we call them snow peas. Mange tout sounds fancier. Maybe your caterpillar was a snob.

Was it a canine tooth?

Oh GAK, that is horrifying. I have a problem with moths and they seem to know it and terrorise me. Once I opened my wallet at a moth flew out. You know how people joke about someone being so tight with money that they have moths in their wallets? That really happened.

Eating fish and chips with a fork? Well now I've seen everything.

I've figured out from another comment that what I call a dome is what you would call a "snap".

Ahh. I've just done some googling and snaps and domes are the same thing - we're just experiencing some international differences in terminology. You are seeing a snap under flattering lighting!

Ha! It was my own idea, but I didn't realise it may have been an original one! I folded the button-hole side out for this photo so you can see it - you can't see the dome from the outside. Sewing one half of the dome in between the buttons is easy. The trickier part is sewing the other side in between the button holes

Why does no one ever remember the USA?

A friend of mine was working at a video rental place and an irate customer returned the porn film he had borrowed saying "Look! This video says 9 GIRLS and I counted and there were only 7 GIRLS! What are you going to do about it?"

Just watched this whole clip and then had to google to watch the rest. And uh... wow.

What we need - so badly - is just more of these multi-purpose bathrooms. I know you don't feel like it's a major inconvenience to use the disabled one - and I certainly wouldn't want you to stop using them if you feel unsafe - but considering there is usually only one such stall and lots of other ones I hope that

That's interesting. Yours is not a perspective I've seen expressed, but of course it just goes to show that there is never one unanimous view amongst any group of people.

Sure. Whoever is the employer, I should have thought the employee would guilty of gross misconduct and automatically dismissed.

"The superintendent of schools has stated that he will push for her firing"

Lovely article, Kat. Shared on Facebook.
**everyone share this! **

Ha! My worst one was the day I went into a pharmacy and the assistant behind the counter asked when I was due - and I answered by indicating the pram with my week old baby in it :(

Ha! For me it was at about the 5 month stage that people started saying "I'll get the next one" when I got into an elevator. I think it was some combination of not thinking they would fit in there with me and fear that if they did fit in the lift would break down just as I went into labour and they would be stuck