
Can we send the Italian Supreme Court a single season of Law & Order: SVU? Because that's all the "expertise" one needs to understand that this is how fucking child molesters work. They groom their victims. You don't need a law or psychology (or even a social work!) degree to know this—some SVU should do.

And I'd argue that hollywood normalizing it is part of the driving force in that. I remember when I was a kid that a woman of my mother's generation having "bottled" hair was considered vain and silly.

Curious when they'll be allowed to look their age though… I wonder whether the aging of hollywood is due in part to actresses consistently being kept looking 10 years younger than they are, and playing characters in that age range as well.

Add Katara, Toph, Korra (although that last one I'm iffy on because I hate the show), any number of anime heroines...

Two notes from London — first, Only Fools and Horses is FUCKING BRILLIANT; second, "suspenders" are very much NOT the same thing here. Suspenders are the things ladies wear to hold up their stockings, like in this picture I stole off the internet just now:

The phrase "taco fest, not sausage fest" needs to get used more often.

Are we making an awesome chicks from cartoons list?! Mulan and Rapunzel are probably my favorites, but if I can add: Lilo and Nani (Lilo and Stitch); pretty much ALL the female characters in Miyazaki's films (Lady Eboshi, San, Kiki, Ursula, Ponyo, Lisa, Chihiro, Lin, Zeniba, Nausicaa, Mei, Satsuke, Sheeta, Dola,

Cartoons rock- no shame in your game!

1) Now it makes me want to read the play. 2) I should do this intentionally, seems to be good method of eliminating personal bias, like trying to conceptualize what "strong" women do (instead of simply creating interesting & dynamic characters).

The appropriate phrase for the female version of sausage party is clam bake.


This is kind of how I feel when I come across the "female doctor" debate.

I'm trying to remember the last time someone asked me how I wrote strong female characters. I mean, I'm not Gaiman, but I do pretty well. And I do adore Neil.

If you have no idea how to write women, write a male character then change the name and pronouns. Look at that, your female characters became people. It's magic!

Haha true. I'll share a more innocuous one just in case

I read this as "I shared your vibrator" and was like wow, whiskey really likes her- I don't think anyone likes me that much. Then I reread and laughed. Had to share. I'll leave now.

Oooh I hope you get posting privs! I need a fellow NZer to help me explain to people that we're not descended from convicts. Also I like you a lot!