
Was sexually harrassed by my landlord/flatmate yesterday (who just before it revealed that he went to court over sexual assault charges by his ex). Have been locked up in my room ever since (considered peeing in a bottle, but went to the bathroom around 3 am and quickly brushed my teeth, and got new water supplies).

She's not a police officer, she's a sort of semi-amateur private detective. So it is, if anything,compulsory to sleep with the witnesses.

My husband and I did some couple's counseling a while back (maybe two or three sessions, I can't remember), and it really helped us get on the same page about how to communicate with each other. We've been married for eight years and a couple for fifteen. Your mileage may vary, but some stuff that helped us:

My dad met Nick Offerman at the airport yesterday and took this picture with him. It was my dad's idea not to smile because my dad is hilarious like that. He said he was very nice, eating a lot of meat at lunch, and they apparently talked about theatre. When my dad posted the picture I could absolutely not contain

Phryne Fisher is the cat's meow and the bee's knees! I'm all goofy over this series. These folks are all wet. Just because a ritzy dame steps out with some swells and has a bit of whoopee they're all over her like a G-man on a speakeasy! They oughta mind their own beeswax, dry up, and get outta town! And HOW.

What I don't understand is why we're still having this discussion while His Royal Bowieness still lives and breathes.

For real though, Lee Pace.

"an outspoken yoga enthusiast who won't stop trying to talk you into anal"

Sadly, the knowledge of how society treats women came from personal experience. A dear friend of mine is a rape survivor and another is a domestic violence survivor. The male cops who responded to the calls from the DV survivor didn't believe her on several occasions. She would call me sobbing because the cops left


"Who was the 7th female president?"

"Why does my neighborhood have so many affordable reproductive health clinics?"

We sat next to a heckler last time we went to a comedy club. My husband took out his phone and started recording the guy. The comedian egged my hubby on and others around him started doing the same until the heckler got pissed and left. I wanted to punch the asshole in the nuts, but the fear of public shame was

It would be really amazing if, just once, a woman or person of color could tell a story about the way sexism or racism has affected them without multiple men or white people lining up to tell them that they just too stupid to realize that the sexism or racism they faced didn't actually count, because that, like,

I hadn't scrolled down far enough to see the picture, so I literally thought to myself, "is that noted fashion photographer Nigel Barker?" right before I got far enough down to read the words.

I laughed very hard at "noted fashion photographer Nigel Barker".


why not look it up and actually read something about it instead of demanding an outline with the tone of somebody whos already decided they dont believe in it?

It is really important in scenarios like this to not ask why a victim did this or that. That is part of victim blaming. We need to focus on men: Why are men in the work place pulling their penises out in front of female colleagues? Why did this man leave semen in the truck? Why does this man feel it is okay for

I wish Lisa's home address wasn't listed on this court document. Would it be weird to send her a card expressing support for her?