
Yeah I feel like this was similar to the post-baby bump. Like she's just embracing who she is and letting the world see. I give her props because I like to think it's totally intentional because she's all aware of her position and that she can use it to show everyone that hey, women are people too!

I'd like to add: If a meal plan leaves you hungry, you won't (and shouldn't) stick to it. Whatever changes you make to your eating habits, they have to be changes you can live with. If you love wine, don't swear off alcohol, just drink less of it. If you hate walking, don't plan a 3 mile walk every day. Etc.

The thing I worry about with cracking down on drinking is, will it make it even harder for victims to report if they have been drinking? We already know that one of the barriers to reporting is that students (both victims, and bystanders who could report) are afraid of getting in trouble. The worry about getting a

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for an intelligent and balanced piece on rape prevention and they ways to be sensible now in the world in which we actually live.

Here's a crazy thought:

Ditto. I'm 34 as well and have had greys since my early 20s. My roots are grey and I don't dye them on a regular basis. My hair grows too fast and I'd by dying it every 2 - 3 weeks,which is expensive. So I often go out with the same look as Kate - grey roots in a sea of dark hair. Sometimes it does bother me - I like

Sooooooo..... what happened to the three guys she talked to in a 20 minute period? Oh, nothing? mmmmmkay.


You have only his word it was a false accusation. I tend to think guys like this were accurately accused, not falsely accused. He sure hates women enough.

I have a harder time fighting on FB than I do Jez - because I keep my FB to people I really know, so when I do end up debating it ends up with real world drama. However, I still get sucked in sometimes, and I wish more people had stood up to this guy.
Another aspect which you probably already pointed out is that false

You're very welcome, and am I wickedly pissed off on your behalf! I can empathize with his being falsely accused - the impact can be devastating, so I'm not minimizing that in the least. But what puzzles me is this - he says he wasn't falsely accused of rape, just "something sexual". So why the vehement need to

I shave because sometimes I just feel like it. I don't shave because sometimes I just don't feel like it. People have found this offensive when I worked corporate. I've been given razors. I'm not joking. I've been instructed never to wear a skirt in the work place if I could not maintain my hygiene (I wore a goddamn

All I have to say regarding him is, what an asshole... that level of insensitivity is worthy of a de-friending. I don't think you're crazy for expecting/being disappointed by other friends lack of comment/support, but maybe they just don't want to risk getting involved in a facebook argument with him... I know in the

I had an ex who turned out to be a super asshole who I couldn't get away from because we were in the same small program, at a small school, in a small town. Most of the people my year or older knew he'd treated me badly, but the newbies hadn't been there to witness it. So he became closer with some of the new students

If it's not performance anxiety, and he's never had this problem before, get him to a doctor. It could be any number of things, even as simple as stress, but he won't know until he gets it checked out.

In other news, the sky is chartreuse and grass is orange. I know that is going to sound ridiculous to some people but I don't care because I'm very right. How do I know I'm right? Because I ended that sentence with "I'm very right." So I win and you lose and I'm rubber and you're glue and no takesies backsies times

Notice how even in an article about a woman going gray, he still manages to refer to her as a "girl".

I started going gray considerably younger than Kate did, and I find it both amusing and a little sad that people are surprised that a woman her age might have a few gray hairs. Dye covers a lot of things.

I am actually rolling around on the floor at work over this. I had a guy at a bar tell me that I "would be so much hotter with long hair," upon which I snorted into my drink and told him he would be so much hotter with an entirely different face. Shut up about short hair, dudes, your fear of our confidence is so loud