I was gang raped. I was 21 it was my first year drinking, I never liked it much and I left my drink alone and they put a roofie in it. I had only one drink that night. Then I let them share a cab to take me home (I suddenly felt so sleepy and heavy... I could not walk... but maybe it was my marathon training... I had…
When people say they don't understand the meaning of the term rape culture, please refer them to this article. Why did this group continue to exist for so long? Rape culture. Why did the adults do nothing? Rape culture. Why did the police do nothing? Rape culture. Why did the school do nothing? Rape culture. …
Yeah. I'm baffled at all the approving comments. I mean yes, it shouldn't be news or anything and it's not worthy of SJ rage... but it's mean and just because we're also been mean doesn't mean it gets a pass. It's not necessarily harmless.
Dear Literal Person:
Or, maybe she was explaining that her daughter looks a little different for various medical reasons. And no, it's not more fucked up than what the other Moms were doing. Maybe it's just me, but attacking that lady at the very end there rubs me the wrong way
Yes, absolutely. But I think the point the mother was making was to say that what these women labelled "ugly," is a sign of this disability, and therefore calling the child "ugly" is doubly insensitive because it stems from a certain amount of ignorance and ableism.
I think that passes... just. But I honestly don't care too much because I am completely swept up in this plot. How does it end, PiKDja? HOW THE FUCK IS BOB? Please reply in IMAX 3D.
Kia ora KapaiJJ, I don't know a lot about the other sites in NZ as I only occasionally read the Handmirror. But you might try http://history-herstory-scubanurse.blogspot.ca which is by the same woman that posted the "how to carry a torch" post. And yep, I think Wellington is probably more progressive than most. You'd…
It didn't have to be said, and you are a moron.
Hi zzyzzxs, thanks for persevering with this. My point is that sometimes its all in the delivery. If we truly want to have reform at a societal level we need to get people listening to us - making really strong statements to whit that a whole country (in this case NZ or Aus) are all slut shamers and victim blamers…
I am your age, and I can tell you this happened. I heard the term "date rape" for the first time in the 80's and there were public education campaigns about it back then and scandalous trials and tv movies all about it. There was one right here in my town involving seven college men. There was also an attitude that…
You know, as much as I deplore what these boys have been doing, I do find it kind of sad how the police are being portrayed/perceived here. The nature of sexual assaults can, whether we like it or not, be very difficult to prove and I think there are some misunderstandings that the jezebel article doesn't quite clear…
Hey, I'm sorry if you thought I was. I just find that people making sweeping generalizations about a whole country aren't helping at all. It offends the people from that state/country/location and then they stop listening. Its better to focus on the issue at hand and supporting the victims and survivors. We need…
Hooray! Finally someone has made the dangerous trip south to educate us on modern ideas and rid us of our backward ways!
I have read some of your comments about living in NZ and the generalisations you have made after your experiences and I'd just like to know when and where you lived there? As a NZer myself, it is not my experience that girls there become sexually active at a young age or that there is a strong rape culture pervasive…
If it was the 70s or 80s and this group existed, you probably would not have heard of it. Saying "I didn't see anything back when the internet wasn't a thing, and I see things on the internet now, so obviously it didn't happen before" is illogical.
"Detective Inspector Bruce Scott put it this way: "None of the girls have been brave enough (emphasis mine) to make formal statements to us so we can take that to a prosecution stage."