
We rarely date in New Zealand (this is changing a bit with internet dating). I think I'm fairly typical in that I can only think of a couple of romantic encounters I've had that I would call dates, but I have had several boyfriends.

Politically successful women are damned if they do and damned if they don't do the mothering thing. Wendy Davis is too busy to properly rear her children! She is a bad woman. DON'T VOTE FOR HER! THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

National? Bah! Someone needs to raise this shit with the UN. All the delegations can come dressed as their national yogurt (your guys can come as Corn Syrup flavour and my New Zealand delegation can come as Lemnis Bread flavour (we will never miss an opportunity to mention that we are really Middle Earth, please come

All that volume must be heavily structured but it looks like it is floating. Genius.
I wish that for just one day I could lose a quarter of my body mass and have somewhere fancy to go just so I could wear one of these (with Timothy Olyphant on my arm, while we are fantasising).

Sorry, I would recommend your comment but I am busy trying to figure out how to pronounce foootburl (is that right?) and not laughing at hilarious rape jokes.

I was wondering a similar thing, except my wondering was what counts as "official" sex. Do I have to count bjs?

Oh so its ok to cal white poeple monoric now whose the racist

A tale of two marriages:

That is appalling in so many way. Appalling that you were harassed. Appalling that you were hacked. Appalling that your private images were stolen. But somehow what really gets me is this idea that even if someone did deliberately post a picture with a breast in it that this means that person is fair game for any sort

I call dibs on this dress. Sooo pretty.

I was complaining to a friend about the price of Brazilian waxes and she said I should just do it myself at home. "Yeah, you just squat over a mirror" and I was like.....

No, no, I get it. I just like to think that she might have a lot of dirty linen in the closet and is constantly paying people off so we won't know that she pays sex workers to watch her vacuum her house wearing nothing but live leeches or something like that. I have to believe that people like her are compensating for

Is "rear ended" a euphemism for some kind of butt-sex thing? God, I hope so.

Why aren't you writing for Cosmo? This is the sort of information my mother never gave me that I needed in my early sex life.

Aw god, I was trying to eat

I don't see it. I think she looks like one of the "commercial" girls that Tyra gives the edgy makeover to to make her "high fashion", but who still looks really commercial. Ridiculously beautiful, obviously, but I just don't BELIEVE it.

I feel so empowered! But now I feel sorry for men who don't get to experience this feeling. I therefore propose the following trends:

You do understand what an analogy is, right? Logic is important in an analogy, not scale. The point I'm making is that intention is less important than outcomes. As you said (when you apparently changed your mind about what is really important) what matters is whether someone is justifiably offended. I'd also argue

Ahh, you are one of those collateral damage people. We foresaw that we would kill hundreds of civilians when we targeted that terrorist cell, but we didn't intend to, so, you know, we're cool, right?

Excellent. Now that you know that it offends people for you to wear culturally appropriated clothing, we can agree that we shouldn't intentionally do that.