
Here's what it boils down to: no one is proposing it be illegal to wear a Nazi uniform to a synagogue or to enter a Native American reservation with some seagull feathers stuck in your headband saying "how" to everyone you meet - but doing these things would make you an arsehole.

I love this. I think I may start carrying my own first stone for similar purposes:
Oh you don't like that same-sex couple holding hands Grandpa? Well here, have my stone!
Sex outside of marriage is wrong, Auntie? Here you go Auntie, fire away, I'm ready!
Abortion is murder, random stranger picketing outside clinic? Want

"In the end, while Dunham's images were not drastically altered, it's important to remember how unforgiving the media is when it comes to images of women."

I do hear what you are saying. I, for instance, couldn't give a monkey's uncle if someone is offended by me breastfeeding in public or, say, holding hands with another woman. They, as you say, are the ones with the problem.

Thanks! I'm fairly sure I am wasting my time, but I hope a little bit of it might sink in. This seems to be someone who likes to think of himself as logical.

Yes! It should have been "we're offering $10,000 for anyone who can stop Hillary" - because that would totally make a point about how sexism is bad because..... wait! - It would make a really important point about how hypocritical it is for Hillary to... hang on! - It would demonstrate how the media exploits women

There is nothing inherently racist about either clothes OR words. Their contexts and the meaning they acquire over time make them either offensive or not.
Think of it this way: I'm guessing you would wear a KKK costume to the costume party and think that was ok. We would disagree on this, but put that aside for a

Fair enough :)
I'm more familiar with photojournalism, where the subjects aren't under lighting so I'm used to seeing people look more.... real I guess.

Having one black person doesn't balance the whites!

Right here is one woman who could be seriously sexually empowered with some extra money to get a whole lot of bills paid, some home help and childcare to take the pressure off. I hear Jezebel has a spare $10,000.

Ahh. I think I understand what you were saying; I disagree with you.
Analogously you might say that going around telling white people they shouldn't use the word n*gger just makes the use of the word more problematic. You're saying if you make mountains out of molehills then you will have a whole lot of mountains.

Presumably a woman has to do better than a man to get to the same level in finance. Ipso facto, on average, women at any level in an industry where women face discrimination are probably better at their jobs than men at the same level.

That was the most confusing comment. I was 150% confident after the Nazi uniform bit that the commenter was illustrating the absurdness of claiming there was no such thing as offensive use of clothing - and then..... no - he was serious... I think? What the hell was that?

Just a small note: every Indian woman I've heard commenting about bindi (the sparkly kind, not the red dot kind) say it is mere jewellery with no special significance and there is no issue with anyone wearing one. Agreed to all your other points.

See? It would be the most talked about show since "16 and Puts the Toilet Roll on the holder the Wrong Way"

Yes! And how about: 2 and Drawing on the Walls

My mum worked in a maternity ward in the 60s. She said they were horrible to the sinful, unmarried mothers. Then one day a young pregnant woman came into the hospital in labour, terrified. She asked mum how the baby was going to get out. Mum said that one moment changed everything for her.
Having more information helps

Excellent. I, for one, look forward to seeing if this effect generalises to other social ills. I suggest the following titles:

"Baker spoke much more thoroughly, showing extreme concern for Daisy, who she said she would not name in an attempt to try and allow her to regain anonymity, if that was even possible"

Now THAT is science reporting. Nice one Erin!