Miss Jackson If Youre Nasty

I love him. Priscilla, Queen of the Desert was a very influential movie for me as a teenager and Memento blew my mind as an undergrad. I’m sad he’s divorcing, but I love him even more now for his good attitude and that he had such a long marriage in the first place. Bittersweet.

Best actor EVER. Brilliant in everything he does. Momento and LA Confidential are two of many wonderful performances.

The only living thing I love is my cat, who I call Bunny, or sometimes Rabbit if we’re being formal, despite neither of these being the name I tell other people is her name.


She thinks this is funny. Kanye does not.

I absolutely thought it would be a big black dildo. Handcuffs are pretty tame, really.

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

I’ve played alcohol menu vs an offer of iced tea many a time.

Could have been desperate, or he could have really just been into you. Next time, find out.

One of the hottest women I have known (in the biblical sense) is five foot nothing and 200 lbs. Another is five seven and 250. I’m now married to a woman 5’7” and 140 because she liked ME the most of any of them but I would have been priviledged to have been with any one of them. It isn’t the height/weight/BMI you

I entirely agree with your assessment.

If you are truly 6’2” and 180lbs, you can fucking handle it, bro.

Thank you so much for this. I have such strong fluctuations of enjoying my body and how I look in the mirror vs. absolutely hating it and dreaming of ways I could change it and not wanting anyone to look at me. And if I really ask myself why, it’s not because I personally — when taking ONLY how I personally feel into

I remember being that size and thinking that I was fat. Now that I’m 80 lbs heavier, I look back and think “Damn! I looked good.”

I would say a solid 50% of the guys who message me on ok Cupid are fat fetishists. And 100% of the guys I've dated in the past 5 years were willing to be with me in private or around my friends, but we're in no way willing to call themselves my boyfriend and have to admit to their friends and family that we were

Right, so then I’m going to self identify as skinny as a size 24.

Interesting. I too have been varying degrees of fat. Right now I’m a size 20 fat but have definitely been a “thin fat”. Mostly it was inappropriately older men who hit on me (like I was 17 and a 35 year old tried to ask me out). Also homeless dudes. Lots of homeless dudes.


... The story explains that the system worked best against “unsophisticated” teams—the Dolphins and Bills are named...