Miss Jackson If Youre Nasty

I’m 35. It never ends, haha.

That’s a very evolved view and I appreciate it. I’ve gotten to a place in life where I think I’m striking-looking. I won’t go as far as “pretty,” and most of the time, I acknowledge that I have a great rack and a pretty nice ass. I’m also smart, funny, articulate, kind, loyal, blah blah blah. But I grew up around

I was out last Friday night in a bro-y part of town. I’m 5’4”, 170, so definitely fat. I mean, I work out on the reg, so a little of that is legit muscle, but I’m very soft and squishy and curvy and rounded on top of that muscle. Anyway, this guy kept telling me I had a “smokin’ body” and I kept telling him he was

A girl can dream.

Cannot be unseen. I just choked on my coffee.

I’m feeling really fucked up tonight.

There is a chick at my office who has this fucking vocal fry (combined with a Michigan accent) and I just want to stab her in the neck when she talks. It is the most grating sound I’ve ever heard coming out of another human.

Even the fire department can’t believe it.

Ok, I have never seen this person and I don't know who is he, but he is somewhat empirically unattractive. So boring. so blah. I'd swipe left.

They tried, but I couldn’t ditch him. I politely offered to split the bill, which he took me up on. When I tried to ditch him outside to go back into the bar to drink and flirt with the bartender, he insisted on waiting with me for a cab, because he’s “old-fashioned.” Hashtag irony.

Blind date fail unfortunately. He was a very nice guy, but MAN was he unbelievably not my type at all. It was so bad, even the waitstaff was giving me pitying looks and trying to booze me up when he went to the bathroom haha.

Cat update. My girl is going to be ok! Her biopsy came back negative. She has stomatitis, which may ultimately result in some teeth needing to be pulled, but she is not terminally ill. She’s eating and being her normal grumpy, sassy self. It’s amazing. She goes back to the vet Monday for a recheck and a second course

This looks like a down comforter that just came back from the cleaners. Cozy.

There’s just something about a gold chain that makes me feel secure.

Disagree. Watching a well-muscled man do pull-ups is basically porn for me.

I like TBA better.

TNR them. Please.

Cat update! I went to visit her this morning and the tech greeted me at the door, excitedly telling me that my baby finally ate. She ate half a jar of baby food, almost a quarter of a can of food, and all the tuna I took her last night. I was with her for 90 minutes this morning, during which time, she ate a bunch

Oh, for sure. I’ve decided to leave her there for the weekend and keep bringing her stinky, verboten foods. We should have the biopsy results back Monday or Tuesday. I don’t want to make any big decisions until we have her test results, just in case the vet is wrong (slim, slim chance, I know). But just as soon as we

Heh, thank you. I’ve actually already decided that if her biopsy returns worst case scenario, I will pursue palliative care. Surgery and radiation are things she wouldn’t understand, and would only traumatize her more for only a few weeks more. It’s just not worth it. I love her more than that.