Miss Jackson If Youre Nasty

Everybody Here Wants You by Jeff Buckley.

I got puked on by some random chick on the C Line T in Boston.

I’m not around very much anymore (work and gym time keep me busy these days), but you guys. I can’t. Last Sunday I got home from Pride (yay for all my friends!) to find my eldest kitty (14, and I’ve had her since she was 7 weeks old) hiccupping or swallowing hard. I didn’t think much of it at first, but as far as I

Dental damning?

“...douchery runs so deep it must be affecting plate tectonics...”

Solidarity. My ex-husband married a former friend of mine about 8 months after our divorce was finalized. Of course she’s an utterly unstable drug addict, so although it stung that they were dating within a month of us separating, I still won the divorce.

I love Erik Larson. So much.

I had horrible vertigo when I went off mine several years ago. I'm back on them now, so if I ever go off again, I'll let you know. But seriously. Vertigo like a motherfucker.

Inspired by the SNS post the other night, I bought a pair of jean shorts today. I haven’t worn shorts in public in over 20 years, but you know what? Fuck it. If you don’t like my fat legs, don’t look at ‘em. It’s about to be summer and it’s flipping hot out.

You do you.

I’d like to give The Rock a helluva workout.

Hi five for cross-country moves! I’ve done it four times so far - FL to MA, MA to TX, TX to WA and WA to IL, most recently in October. I’ve driven Uhauls with cats, let movers do the damn thing once, and the last move, I did a pod and flew with the cats. The pod was my favorite way to move so far and I would totally

I am so, *so* sorry. Losing a pet is the worst. As everyone else has said, you did a beautiful, strong, loving thing by putting him down when he was suffering. I held my 19 year old when he was put down a few years ago and it was gut-wrenching. Just take care of you and cuddle your pups. Cry when you need to, laugh

I’d like The Rock to officiate my bedroom.

I wasn’t offended. I’ve heard he’s actually really shy irl. It’s just funny to me and I laugh every time I remember it. I still love him. :)

I had a cab driver in Chicago absolutely rant to me about Oprah once. He called her “The Bitch” and had nothing nice to say.

Jon Stewart once backed away from me slowly.

As a native Floridian, I know that was 1989. And awesome story.

Completely fair. I'm also a damn good cook. At 6'5", 260, I suspect there's enough to go around. We got this.