
He couldn't wait so he went ahead and pulled her tampon out, "tossed it in the toilet" (SEXY!) and got to bangin'. I'm pretty sure she says "Holy crap that was erotic" in response. Which I never want to hear, let alone when a bloody toilet is involved.

Who else has had to deal with their mother and/or sister trying to get you to read this book and talking about it endlessly as if it was God's gift to women's sexuality? STOP TALKING.

I've now added this event to my own personal cosmology as an acid trip Ragnarok.

This. They don't have "weird sex." They have creepy, coercive, abusive sex, which she agrees to, despite being very clear to both herself and him that she doesn't want to, because she thinks the mental and physical abuse is worth it if it's the only way she can "keep" him. I'm all for consensual kink, but 50 Shades of

I guarantee there will be a lot of girl biting her lower lip and guy telling her to stop because it excites him too much.

No, no...weird as in implausible. Like when she spontaneously orgasms when he touches her nipples even though she has absolutely no sexual agency, has never had a sexual fantasy, masturbated, or given a single thought to her own sexual pleasure.

What weird sex? The times when they have really boring sex because she's going to "save him" from his "darkness"? Or the times that are really domestic abuse under the guise of bdsm? Because they can probably show all of that.

"That book wasn't even good porn! For Christ's sakes someone needs to give you kids some Marquis de Sade!"

I will never understand how any book that consistently refers to genitals as "down there" can be considered hot.

I just frightened my cat by cackling very loudly.

The BastardlyOlympian is one of 7 kids. My MIL, god bless her, made sure ALL her kids knew how to clean and cook.

Terry Richardson. Ugh. Figures.

Hurrah! Well, my little boy reads is the same, and I can tell by the comments he makes when he comes home from sleepovers at other boys houses that yes, there are STILL tons of mothers who think it is ok to do EVERYTHING for their sons. He has known how to make his own dinner, load and clean the dishwasher and sort

You know, I'm really tired of the idea that Boy Scouts learn camping and life skills while Girl Scouts just sell cookies. Whenever I mention that I was a Girl Scout for nine years of my childhood everyone's like "oh haha you must have sold a lot of Samoas!" and like, yeah, I did, but I also learned how to start a

I noticed that in the beginning of my marriage my husband would do things, how do I say, half-ass. If he "did the dishes" he would only load the dish washer and never wash pots or pans. If you told him to clean the bathroom he'd forget to wipe down the counters/sink. I would get angry and say something like "You suck,

The rest of the article is cool but I'm not sure it's a great idea to integrate the scouts unless it is the BSA being absorbed by the girl scouts. I don't want girl scouts ruined by BSA politics and policies!

Uncomfortably accurate.

“Who doesn’t like getting attention from the opposite sex?”

Gay people, Meghan. Seems like someone needs to work on their rhetorical questions.

I used to define feminism as the idea that women are equal to men, but then you get the BS about how women are 'equal but different' and therefore should have different expectations.