I'm with you. I can do Marina and the Diamonds, I guess (I just like how weird her voice is, whether it's edited or not), but the amount of convincing myself to like the songs that Del Rey's stuff requires is just not worth it.
I'm with you. I can do Marina and the Diamonds, I guess (I just like how weird her voice is, whether it's edited or not), but the amount of convincing myself to like the songs that Del Rey's stuff requires is just not worth it.
Not to mention that if someone is injured in an accident in a way where they cannot escape the car themselves, you are supposed to leave them there until people with actual training get involved. Unless the car's going underwater or going up in flames, you leave them there.
EXACTLY! With anyone who cannot make it out on their own, you're supposed to leave them in the car except in extenuating circumstances. Otherwise you may well hurt them even more. Basically Zimmerman's getting that stupid fucking hero complex of his stroked again for actively being harmful, and that's the last thing…
Does his smug-as-fuck face give anyone else the impulse to just punch through the screen?
Ah, almost as good. Deep purple is a lovely color!
Hell, I got kind of mad when I found out a few years ago that my mom had either miscarried or given birth to a stillborn sibling before I was born (the details are fuzzy and I didn't ask for clarification because it's obviously a touchy subject). As the oldest of four I kind of always wondered what it'd be like to…
Mother Fishnets teaches yoga, has for eight years, has built up a tiny little following in our tiny town - and overall, her classes are about half-and-half women and men.
Do what I do. Say your bag's full and offer to let them borrow one of your other bags (if you've got any.) They'll take the hint. Eventually.
Martial arts equipment is like that. And it bugs the hell out of me.
Absolutely. It's okay to talk about it, but expecting your partner to solve all your problems or be able to hand you a diagnosis or something is wrong. May I add that even if you are trained in psychology - as a woman I know was - it's a horrible idea to act as your partner's therapist (as she did). There is no…
Nords? Like the race from Skyrim?
Eurrrrrrrgh! I'm terribly sorry, that sounds.... owch.
On top of that steaming pile of crap, he's atrocious when it comes to perpetuating and popularizing the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope. It's like the straw that breaks the camel's back.
I wouldn't count on it.
I know of no other kind of softball team.
No-shaving-this-week-high-five! I'm getting "Lust Drunk Witch" buzzed into the side of mine, so I don't see why not. It would probably help if we go get cats to boost out shrieking lesbian credit.
"Pillard is going to personally see to it that everyone's gundicks are taken away and the world is henceforth ruled by a softball team of shrieking lesbians with buzz cuts and leg hair."
The exact same thing happened to me except it was a then-"straight" friend and the stubble was in a completely different area. Also whoops.
"What kind of weirdo hears of a woman shaving her vulva and thinks children: now in Beard flavor!"
A question for people who have had partners with beards: