Miss Eli

Right? I know there’s a whole story here about shared grief and reconciling differences and whatnot but I was taken aback by the revelation that Harry is balding like that. You do really only see pics of him from the front or with a hat on. I guess those Windsor genes are gonna get you sooner or later.

I think the statue is also a reference to Diana’s stint as a nursery school aide. Only, the figure’s skirt is permanently opaque — supposedly, she hated how the first media photos of her, taken on the job at age 19, showed the outline of her legs: https://www.today.com/popculture/princess-diana-s-iconic-skirt-moment-ph

They may be on different paths, but there's no escaping that collision course with male pattern baldness. 

Oh dear lord.

Let’s do Harry and Meghan the courtesy of leaving them alone as they’ve asked, and focus on the more gossipy, salacious royal story: that Princess Charlene of Monaco seems to be refusing to return from South Africa after Prince Albert has been named in a paternity case for the third time in their 10 year marriage.

I agree with your statement, but I do think asking for help is still better than not knowing how to do something. Being afraid to ask is only going to hurt you more, especially if they think you're deficient regardless. 

When you are seen as competent by default it’s very easy to ask for help. When people assume you’re deficient, asking for help isn’t seen as a virtue it’s seen as confirmation of their initial beliefs in the first place. This is especially true when you’re someone that people are looking for excuses to get rid of in

The truth is now that I have been around successful people, all they do is ask for help. And all they do is reach out to people.

She was a true badass. She needs her own movie. 

What if — and just hear me out — he fights with a baseball bat and breaks the fourth wall with a glance at the camera? Huh? Huh?

Thank you for reminding me: that Fela is off the chain. I was hooked immediately but forgot to include it in the first comment. I’m as excited for this as I was Black Panther. We NEED to see us in all manner of greatness. Now....if we can get a Stagecoach Mary appearance or, dare I dream...a whole ass movie....dreams

You had me at “Regina King.” (Delroy Lindo & Idrissa were icing on the cake.)

The scene between Thor/Hemsworth and Frigga/Rene Russo had me legit tearing up.

The hell of it is, she started her political career as an anti war, pro choice, pro environment Green party candidate, as I understand.

YES. This is why I didn’t have a problem with it. I didn’t feel like it was simply “OH HAHAHA THOR IS FAT”

When Mitch McConnell stood up and basically said we will object to anything Biden brings to the Senate. Bipartisanship was off the table. When he let his own members negotiate bipartisan legislation and then told them to go fuck themselves it isn’t going anywhere, he proved there is no such thing. Mitch has been

If moral arguments based on fairness and equity will not convince you to hire more POC into management, how about this one - diverse voices will save you from public embarrassment and humiliation over your tone-deafness...and save you money.

I briefly reconsidered my orangutan dig because I knew it was factually inaccurate, but I’m a big fan of The Murders in the Rue Morgue ;)

I agree; I think we’re kind of saying the same thing.

In principle I am not a big fan of getting rid of the filibuster.