Miss Eli

Cut my life to pieces, this is my last resort ...

In The Terror, Jared Harris played Francis Crozier - Ciaran Hinds was Sir John Franklin on the show.

I am coming in very, very, very late, but having just watched this episode, some six months after Elon Musk took over Twitter ... Afuko’s  gigantic temper tantrum looks right to me. *chef’s kiss* on the ethnic insults.

It’s what we now call The Gig Economy.

And my axe. I get why most people lost patience with it, but I liked its overall weirdness.

Shellshock crops up QUITE A BIT in British lit from the 20s and 30s, whether it’s what we consider literary fiction now (Mrs. Dalloway) or cozy mysteries of the time (Sayers’ Peter Wimsey series).

Was John Constantine ever actually bi in the TV version—I only really know the comics, but to me it’s a bit diff if an adaptation makes a character straight from the start than if they change midway through a show?

What a wonderful movie - hoping it re-airs on cable this coming October.

How does the luminous Juliette Binoche get relegated to “more”?? Sophie Turner is ‘more’ - Binoche is an international star of great critical acclaim and I expect more from the AV Club. Get it right.

There’s a more racist Lovecraft story than The Horror at Red Hook? You live, you learn ...

I liked the music. No telling when or if I’ll watch this.

Hoping hoping hoping Pray Tell’s gospel number gets released on YouTube because it was amazing and uplifting and just took me back. Agreed that the Rev. Vernon stuff was clunky, but Michelle Hurd was so recognizable as the desperate wife working triple time to keep a good face on in public.

TCM did a supercut video obit for Gene Wilder when he died, and used quite a bit of “Pure Imagination” from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory so now that song breaks me.

How something could be so funny and so creepy and so sad ... I am still processing.

But I see both!

Actually, I’d be willing to fight for underrated British character actress Fiona Shaw as Brody. She can do smart and goofy and intense and Ivy Towerish:

I’m guessing Joshua Alston is in a corner, rocking himself and taking drags out of a bottle of whiskey, trying to figure out:

YES. Color me surprised!

Thank you!

I want that song from the dance battle. I NEED that song from the dance battle.