Miss Eli

Here’s hoping-hoping-hoping that LoT ends up in a timeslot that doesn’t cross with 2 other shows I Tivo - because even with just half of a season (+ random eps from Season 2), this show is soo much fun - even when it goes dark (not just Darhk).

Truly, although Jared Harris’ lilting voice has fascinated me for years. I think he has some of his father’s cadence.

I completely missed the leg in the coffin because I was just that dazed afterwards. Dang. So glad there’s a review to help me process this. No, I’m not ready to watch it again. If ever again.

So ... since ep 2 aired right after ep 1 and ep 3 airs tonight - will the reviews catch up or be a ep behind till the end?

Oh, and a wish: I want the lighting crew for B99 to take the lighting crew for This is Us out for drinks and school them on how to light for a diverse cast. Or maybe it’s a make-up thing. All I know is that Sterling K. has looked like he had terminally chapped lips on This is US for about all of Season 2, while he

Having not seen the movie, was Krusty’s plot based on Birdman? Just curious.

As a Homicide fan, I wasn’t sure this episode could live up to my instantly-high expectations of seeing ‘Pembleton’ back in the box. And yet, it did! More Emmys for Sterling and Andre!!! And let’s finally show Andy some love!

Gods & Monsters. Go see Gods & Monsters if you haven’t before now.

Now playing

Go home, Heineken, you’re drunk. And watch some Tullamore Dew ads to see how it’s done right.

I tend not to care which ketchup I’m given at a restaurant since I’ll spend 3 minutes mixing it with at least a tablespoon of black pepper + whatever hot sauce they have available. That said, I’m glad there’s HFCS-less ketchup out there, and I will buy chipotle ketchup for home (to avoid the 3 minutes of mixing in

Hmmm. I want a poster. But I can’t let my husband watch Legion, it’s just too dark for him. If I win the poster, he might want to watch Legion and then get all discombobulated over it and I’ll feel guilty.

Ah, The Women. I love that movie.

In the car, driving from the movie:

I haven’t read the book, but having just seen the movie - I didn’t get the feeling that Meg treated Charles Wallace as a chore at all. She seemed very loving and protective and accepting of him from the get-go. Her love for him is both her weakness (it was the Mean Girl calling him crazy that incited Meg to physical

I love visiting Chicago (was just there 2 weeks ago) but I almost never escape the Loop. I’m going to try do that next time. Thanks for the lovely article.

I’m late to a lot of things. Heck, I only saw Frozen for the first time 2 weeks ago on a plane. Doesn’t quite hit in the feels the way the Toy Storys, The Incredibles or Ratatouille do, but I see why it has become such a big thing.

It’s not the giant exposition dump that the first movie is, and the flashbacks have a bit of flair. The kids start gelling into their roles. That said, the enterprise is still hampered by Chris Columbus’s leaden direction.

Margot Robbie & the Australian Broadcasting Co. are producing a 10-episode series of Shakespeare adaptations, set in the modern era and featuring female perspectives. The series will be produced by a female-led team. Filming will start this year, a division of Disney will handle international distribution, no word yet

Never saw the movies (I don’t think) but there was a TV show in the 70s that I watched. Used to air along with Grizzly Adams in my market. Given that I indiscriminately watched anything, I can’t say anything about the quality of the show, but you know, I was a little girl not allowed to keep pets, so I loved it.