Miss Eli

I was/am a Blerd from the late 80's/Early 90's. A pretty rough time indeed.

This is really beyond the pale (apparently not, actually). In what universe is the history of a holiday irrelevant to a celebration of the holiday?

I can already feel myself trying to keep my eyes and ears open for the “next big thing” and I fucking hate it, but I guess this is just where I’m at now.

You are, perhaps, the most honest person in all of Kinjadom.

For the life of me, I cannot understand all of the positive reviews I keep running across for this show’s final season. Are critics so completely starved and grateful for a show featuring trans actors that they completely disregard the things they should be critiquing?

So... his bisexuality has not been erased then?  I’m a big Hellblazer fan and always knew I should pick up Legends of Tomorrow, but... 

Oh it is a problem with shows in their final season(s) but especially ones Ryan Murphy produces.  And in this case, as you allude to, it’s not like the show has even had much of a long run.  Maybe as far back as the premier of this season I realized it did feel like watching a show that had run MUCH longer that you

Caught up. The spectacle! The song! 64 minutes! So good!

Pose is likely the closest that I’ll ever come to watching a soap opera, so I don’t expect much in the way of dramatic realism; but I do live for some of the ‘fairytale’ aspects - everyone deserves some joy, sometimes... especially those who are usually marginalized and oppressed.

This may not have the best episode of television I’ve ever seen, but it was the most satisfying one in a long time.

I’ll be honest, this episode didn’t land for me the way I know it was supposed to. I can’t even really explain why except that it was all so over-the-top and - if I’m honest - manipulative. When it comes to my preferred television, big weddings leave me cold. I prefer the small, intimate ones.

I cried and I am not ashamed.

It also doesn’t give away that she’s even in it at all. As for spoilers, I don’t even remember being particularly stunned by the reveal, it was pretty clear from early on that it’s the two of them in various disguises carrying out those scenarios. Her taking off the mustache as a big revelation is in no way the point

The film that taught me what 'Meta' means. Wonderful in every way. Price was firing on all cylinders during this period..

Such a great film. I first saw it on British TV in 1983 when I was on holiday there from Canada; it was completely uncut, and I thought ‘What the hell am I watching?’ I caught it a couple of years later on Canadian network TV, where they cut out all the gory parts but left the Shakespeare soliloquies intact, and then

Don’t forget pompous Robert Morley forced to eat his own “babies”.

Now playing

in the late ’60s he returned to England for a series of starring roles in British horror movies including The Abominable Dr. Phibes, Scream And Scream Again, Madhouse, and the aforementioned Witchfinder General.

Stabby tramps. Cuddly Arthur Lowe in an utterly fucked up version of the horses-head-in-the-bed scene from the Godfather. Vincent Price in an afro wig.

Yes. This was the Diana Rigg of the “Avengers” era. In this movie, she was sympathetic in her loyalty to her father, and has a good scene where she tries to talk her father out out killing himself in the presence of Devlin and the other critics who later become his targets.

How do you not even mention the late, great Diana Rigg as his murderous cross-dressing daughter?