Miss Eli

“Something Borrowed, Something Blue,” features not one but three lavish, cinematic montages.

I feel like it’s pretty clear that Maddox is working with/for INFLUX, so if that’s what flips everything we know then eh, whatever. Hopefully it’s not that.

very beautiful people in this.

Richard Madden looks a lot like Sebastian Stan...

I’m only interested in this if we get a spinoff of Baby Thanos and Baby Yoda joining forces, bringing together the inevitable Marvel and Star Wars master plan. Sure, throw in Baby Groot while you’re at it. Baby Luke and Leia? I’m all for it! Baby Wookies and Ewoks? Totes adorbs! Baby Muppets? Now we’ve got some real

Yeah to me Jay Guevara made the episode (with Ava’s Russian accent close behind.) Getting Castro high and singing Cat Stevens to him was a pretty good Legends approach to a problem. 

The film is meant to address the quintessential question from Yahoo! Answers:

I will watch it and I am totally rooting for Kumail because I want my sons to see a superhero that looks like them on screen(well at least one of them, the joys of interracial marriage and genetics means I have one son who looks like he could be a cousin to Kumail and my other son looks like he could be Chris Evans

As Muhammad Ali once said, “It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it.”

We are no longer the Knights Who Say Ni. We are now the Knights Who Say runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunPOP-boinggggg-zoom-flip-flip-boom

Totally with you on most of the review, but I didn’t read the Papi storyline the same way. I can see a young, scared, sick, heartbroken mother not reaching out to her baby’s father, and then her sister doing so for a whole range of reasons. I def think a paternity test is in order, but still Angel’s response really

“Why the fuck not?: Behrad’s whole deal. Like, all of it. I wish it worked better.”

I broke my collarbone just watching that move.

My favorite part was throwing in a nod to Kennedy’s real life chronic back pain with zero foreshadowing. If you know about it, great, but if you don’t, the show’s not going to bother holding your hand and is just going for the gag.

I think it would have been a much better show if it had left out pretty much all of the CIA/MI6 stuff for the first season and instead concentrated on building up the world around the debris and the ground team. Let it be mysterious without being yet another giant conspiracy show. The most interesting bits of the show

In other shows, I believe Debris is wrapping up it’s season and possibly existence this week.

Well, this sucks personally because my mom just endured one of the hardest years last year with a combination of a cancer diagnosis, surgeries related to the cancer, and a full year of isolation (my dad, her husband passed a few years ago). Add to the fact that she lives in the Philippines, a country with very strict

Well... they’d kill enough to get their point across. Then enslave the rest.

Which is why herd immunity through vaccinations is so important, as it is for all the other things we get vaccinated for. 
