Miss Eli

All that and a sweet ride, too.

Well me ol trouble and strifes on the dog and bone giving me a whole stickety wicket guvnor so I aff com to talk to ewe to give you the ol celery stalk abow me kitchen knife. So ere it ees guvnor cor blimey

I don’t think Susan Sarandon and Andre the Giant were married.

Actually, Don Cheadle will take over from Terrence Howard after the first season.

Oceans 11 Cockney accent or don’t bother.

Don Cheadle seems like one of those actors who isn’t quite an A-list movie star but also feels too big for network television.

One of my favorite episodes of Wonder Years is when Peter Falk shows up as Kevin’s grandfather and reads a story to him about true love. I think it guest starred Robin Wright, Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin and the dude who used to be married to Susan Sarandon. Great episode of a great show. 

I think he was trying to point out there were no popular actors with bald heads in their 20s or 30s. But yeah none of us are as pretty as Mike Colter

I watched Spenser: For Hire with my dad from time to time when I was growing up, and even then I thought Avery Brooks was the essence of coolness. My dad got me into all things Star-related, and we were both amazed that Brooks was by far the second best captain in the entire series (we all know Kirk is a distant

Defeated the Dominion through shrewd strategy, powerful leadership, gray moral methods, and authority derived from that sweet goatee and chrome dome combination.

Apparently not.

I think it’s also many women of a certain age remember finding 20-something Wills super sexy - Then he lost his hair and his teeth seemed to take over his face as it lost its youthfulness.

Are they not aware of Mike Coulter

I’m so glad Hollywood finally realized Alan Tudyk should be in everything.

SAME. I freaking love that movie because it’s the one that, to me, shut up the Henry Cavill haters that came out of the woodwork when MoS came out stating that he can’t or is a poor performer. The man can act and I’m pissed that Hammer is such a piece of shit that we’ll never get a proper sequel to that movie. Unless

Yeah I know we were never getting a sequel to Man From UNCLE either way, but the Armie Hammer news pretty much is the final nail I guess. Makes me sad, I loved the hell out of that movie.

DON’T PUT THAT IN THE ATMOSPHERE. Tudyk must remain pure!

It’s a pity that the show is really two different shows fighting for air—one a hilarious black fish-out-of-water comedy starring Tudyk, and the other a rote small-town drama. Not only is one show much better than the other, they don’t really work together as one show at all. But I like Tudyk and Wetterlund enough to

I’ve just been super impressed by the ensemble all the way around. The interplay between Asta, Darcy, and Judy just seems so lived-in compared to a lot of other shows. 

TCM always does a good job with those montages.  I cry every year, even the shitty one at the Oscar's usually gets me.