Miss Eli

Oh, man. Kubo and the Two Strings, midway through, where the first character dies...and the second character dies seconds later.

Just finished my rewatch of Babylon 5 on HBO Max and that last episode makes me cry every damn time. Sheridan going away is just so damn hard. My wife hates that he leaves Delenn to confront the unknown on his own but I understand it. He has one last party with his friends. He spends one last night with the woman

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I think there’s a lot of stuff that hits different the older you get and more life you experience.

The English Patient - when Almasy carries Katherine’s body out of the cave...We die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we’ve entered and swum up like rivers. I want all this marked on my body. I know you’ll come carry me out to the Palace of Winds. That’s what I’ve wanted: to walk in such

I am a huge weeper, but this is what I first thought of:

Janet’s remark about how she experiences time all at once so Jason will never truly be gone for her is another one that got me in an episode the entire time of which I was a goddamn mess. 

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I feel like every Pixar movie is designed to have at least one make-you-cry scene, and usually on a rewatch I’m able to hold back but the one that consistently gets me no matter when I see it is in Toy Story 3 when after so much running and trying to escape, Woody (and everyone else) accepts that they’re gonna die and

The fact it was made only a year after the war never ceases to astound me.

For me, there’s no movie that turns on the faucet more than William Wyler’s “The Best Years of Our Lives,” about WW II veterans returning home to an America that seems all too eager to leave them behind. I skipped watching it for decades because I assumed it would be fluffy, sentimental propaganda but, Jesus, what a

Chidi and Eleanor’s last night before Chidi intentionally wipes his memory nearly killed me

Dad stuff does it for me. Costner and his Dad having a catch at the end of Field of Dreams, a frail Michael Keaton embraced by his Dad in My Life. A woman telling Scout to stand, Atticus is walking by after he loses his case. Tom Cruise fighting not to cry as his hateful Dad dies in Magnolia. Those do it.

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Really, this weekend you had to post this?!?! And mention Mr. Hooper and the Rugrats episode? Tomorrow is the first anniversary of my father’s death and the only thing helping me hold it together is that both of my sons are away at school so the date isn’t so much in their faces.

Bourdain’s Houston episode.
“Some people say ‘Make America Great Again.’ I say America was great all along—some of us just forgot why. It’s great because your grandfather and my grandfather and just about everybody’s damn grandfather or great-grandfather crammed themselves, snuck, bought their way, or was dragged

The titular scene from “10 Things I Hate About You”.

The ends of Monsters Inc, Ratatouille, and Porco Rosso, and Picard joining the poker game at the end of TNG. I don’t cry at sad things but bittersweet final moments like that get me every time.

Oh, and also - The Good Place. The final scene between Chidi and Eleanor on the couch, when - after what is likely thousands of Jeremy Bearimys together - Eleanor realizes that this is it and that Chidi’s ready to be done with everything forever and she isn’t.

The Iron Giant.

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Too many to list. I am a crybaby for movies, TV, and songs.

I cry at so much that the list would be too long, but there are certain movies I have seen countless times, and my reactions are just as strong as the first time, and number one on that list is Sense and Sensibility. When Emma Thompson’s character bursts into hysterical tears of relief at the end I cry right along

The Mr. Gower scene always gets me too, especially the line “don’t hurt my sore ear”. The young actor does a terrific job in that scene. It’s some of the most convincing crying I’ve ever seen from any actor, let alone a child.