Miss Eli

According to Oprah, Dean runs an asphalt-paving company, which she probably doesn’t watch him do either.

The thought of “Dolly Parton, sexual tyrannosaurus” makes me happy. Go get you some Bublé, Dolly!

Can someone explain why Kidman’s character is named “Angie Dickinson”?

Petrified wood might be more exciting than this play...but I will wait and see.

There will be doctors on standby in theater lobbies. Either that or he’ll have material for his next musical about petrified wood.

Take your star dammit lol!

What if the show lasts more than four hours?  

Svengoolie salutes you! BERRRR-win

Cue Svengoolie "BERWYN?" sound clip.

You’re never going to get in to a food fight with that attitude!

I count my lucky stars that my entire family (at least, the small cohort of us who have Thanksgiving together) is a bunch of flaming liberal snowflakes.

As long as there are Americans, there will be insufferable Thanksgivings

Well, it looks like I’m going to be the one whose insufferable at Thanksgiving this year, Dad.

Dan still knocks one out of the park every so often doesn’t he. That was some beautiful writing about the human condition Dan. Fantastic work. 

No doubt. As a lifelong bleeding-heart liberal in the Old North State, the last three elections (2016, 2018 & 2019) have grown in importance. This one is even more important.

I am far too classy to make a headline joke about filling a hole in Howard’s End, even when you tee it up like that, so...

Weird. This kinja thing baffles me.

I’d actually like to see a bit more of how Ellie and Anna fit into the family dynamic. Obviously they’re not going to get remotely the same attention from the show as Mateo, since Jane isn’t their mother, but the show could do more with how the girls interact with the rest. Heck, since they’re kind of “model children”

darius was robbed. he was robbed the joy of stevie wonder.