Miss Eli

Politics Corner - EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt Will Poison You and Your Family, and All He Asks in Return is Unlimited Private Flights, Kickbacks From Lobbyists, Bulletproof Desks and Cars with Nick Fury-style Run Flat Tires, a Triple-Sized Security Detail Watching Him Sleep in His Nearly Free Condo, or in First

Charlize Theron?

The best thing about Wonder Woman is (arguably) Lucy Davis.

Photo: Karl Urban is Nick Offerman in Too Much Swanson.

“Je t’aime.”

Fair point. Everyone wanted to see Han Solo kicking Nazi ass. So, Jessica Chastain it is.

It will of course be screened under its French title, Les Wookiees Dangereux.

Henson would be amazing.

Seems like a good excuse to make a rare Kinja post:

I was seeing if anyone else would choose Plaza for Jones.

Also, I now need to hear Sigourney Weaver say, “We named the cat India!”

Worf’s First Law of Dating: Lips that have touched Charlie Sheen will never touch me

They look like they are the brothers to Oscar Isaac.

Like normally I’m all for beards and facial hair, but damn, Mantzoukas should shave (or at least trim up a bit).

Also, Sean Teale from The Gifted looks like Oscar Isaac and Mark Ruffalo managed to have a baby together.

I think the universe would unravel if such a thing occurred.

*in Chidi’s voice*: “What?!”

I prefer Kristen Bell with Logan. Or Chidi. Or Tahani.

This will be the 67th season of Feud. I hope they’ve figured out how to attach a cryogenically frozen head to a donor body by then.

“In my dying breath I cast Self-Revive!” “There’s a Mist of Occlusion in the pit.” “Bullshit there is!”