Miss Eli

He’s great in both, acting with two legends who could have wiped him off the screen - and he completely holds his own.


The introduction to all the different departments was awesome. Reminded me of Overwatch pose screens.

Well he was Mister Noodle after all.

SHALLOW ALERT: So glad to have Dan Stevens’ beautiful blue eyes back on television. And if he can appear as frequently shirtless as he did here, all the damn better.

I’m honestly surprised the opening scene didn’t make it to your Stray Observations. The opening line alone, “Is it Tuesday?” errrgh So fucking meta and one of the reasons I love this show.

It’s gonna be hard as fuck trying to top something as batshit amazing as Dan Stevens, Aubrey Plaza and Jemaine Clement in an epic dance battle, but man, I hope this season finds a way.


You Got Served: Legion was amazing and i want to watch 90 minutes of just that.

This show has never lacked for confidence, but good Lord, Hawley just started at 80 mph and fully expects us to keep up. So much amazing stuff: the Admiral’s attendants with their Legion-verse echo of the Dunwich Cuckoos, those terrible eggs, the freaking DREAM BALLET (if it was a dream.) I forgot how much I need this

That quick shot where Oliver’s drink got refilled, loved it. Just a bit of creepy, out of place intrusion on their bright and sunny tan session.

When Lenny said that I got a chill down my spine. Then the camera pulled out to show Farouk and I said an audible... “Uh oh..”

“Something funny?”


a) GodDAMN did I miss Russo’s score. He’s been on such an absurd hot streak since Fargo, and I can’t wait to snag the inevitable two or three albums to come out of this season.

My only concrete thought after all that is Cary has some moves.

fosse fosse fosse.

I am so glad I’m not the only adult that does this. I wish they hadn’t done away with Spoiler Space, here, because I need to know what happens, but there is no way I could watch this.

You mean OSCAR WINNER Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace?

tyroil smoochie-wallace and jim halpert are directing great thrillers. what a world.