Miss Eli

And another Game of Thrones alum thrown in.

This show is magnificently created. That sequence cutting back and forth from Ross warning Franklin how wrong it can all go to his wife reassuring him that it will be a huge success was like the devil and angel on the shoulder, and came across so ethereal that this is just, like, wow. I am completely hypnotized. Also,

Ciarán Hinds does awesome horrified face. See also: J. K. Simmons face when he finds the students’ bodies in ep. 8 of Counterpart.

He was very, very good in The Quiet American, which is one of my favorite movies. It’s a real tightrope of a role, a wide-eyed idealist who absolutely believes the monstrous things he does will make the world a better place. He easily holds his own with Michael Caine, who was also turning in one of the best

Vella Lovell should be cast as the lead in something.

Since CEG getting that final season is more a comforted sigh of relief than a surprise, I say we get a head-start on badgering the CW to give Donna Lynne Champlin her own show.

Hooray for Legends being renewed! Lots of fun to watch week in and week out!

I feel like I didn’t love this show as much as everyone else around here, but that still left a lot of room to like it an awful lot. I’ll be back for season 2. Kerry/Cary was my favorite part of the first season, for some reason.

Happy about Jane, Riverdale and CEG, but I’m sad I don’t know the fate of my new favorite show - iZombie. I’m hoping it is delayed because they just started showing the new season.

That Miracle of Birth song deserves an Emmy. I can’t stop singing that and the My Sperm is Healthy song - which are both extremely inappropriate ...

You still have Zoidberg...

My already-slightly-unhealthy obsession with Crazy Ex-Girlfriend reached new heights after seeing their amazing live show on Friday night. I think I would have cried if they had been canceled...so...wheeeee!

No John DiMaggio? No Katey Sagal?

Yeah he seems pretty thin in the show, which is especially jarring if you’ve seen him as a beefcake in The Guest, though I imagine maintaining a physique like that is pretty involved and dissipates quickly.

I loved that his ‘rational’ projection of himself used his real accent

I’ve been wondering if he put on weight to be Cousin Matthew or if he lost a bunch of weight once Hollywood came a-calling.

Hey remember when this dude was british nobility with foppy Hugh Grant hair?

And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which

She’s awful, her husband is awful, the DC socialites gossiping about her are awful.

Maybe you can trade in Diggs for LMM in the Jesus role if you want some more Hamilton casting?