Miss Eli

From what I recall, a lot of people who weren’t fans of Andy on SNL thought he’d bring that kind of character over to B99 and ruin it for them, only for Andy to pleasantly surprise those people with the whole Jake Peralta package.

So I watched the first two Terrors, and I’m lost as to what this show is supposed to be. [LIGHT SPOILERS I GUESS]

A Ph. D is a doctorate. It’s literally describing a doctor. No. The problem here is that medical practitioners have co-opted the word “doctor”. I know we live in a world where aaaaaanyyhing can mean anything. AND NOBODY EVEN CARES ABOUT ETYMOLO...

So much to love about this episode, like all the callbacks. I really appreciated that Sterling K. Brown played his role straight—other shows and actors might have opted for more overacting.

What we were privileged to witness was not an interrogation, but an act of salesmanship—as silver-tongued and thieving as ever moved used cars, Florida swampland, or Bibles. But what he was selling is a long prison term, to a client who had no genuine use for the product.

My heart doth overfloweth, for PEMBLETON IS BACK IN THE BOX!!!
Okey, not quite, but I suspect that’s as close as we’re ever gonna get, and boy does it make me happy :-D

I think part of the reason for it was that Samberg was coming off films like That’s My Boy, which was truly horrific. And the character of Jake was a little obnoxious at the beginning of the show. Samberg himself has stated that it took them about half a season to get the tone of the character right. But I think

Every comedian or comic actor has some people they just rub the wrong way, so yeah, when this started there was definitely a “THIS guy?” response from some quarters.

As someone who’s been a fan of Andy since his SNL days, I can say with complete certainty that people were very anti-Andy. (There was always a negative—and unfair, I think—comparison to Jimmy Fallon.)

i was confused by this. it was always my understanding that he went to hell. isn’t this the movie mel gibson is trying to make?

Right. There are several theories of atonement. The most popular is not the most elegant, I’d argue. As you say in your first comment, though, as someone who was raised Catholic I grew up reciting a creed that implied that, between dying on the cross and rising again, Jesus was among the dead, wherever the dead are.

Although most (or many, maybe I shouldn’t overgeneralize) Christian traditions would hold that the harrowing was done in victory and was part of Christ’s exaltation and that the suffering and payment for all sins occured while on the cross (between “Why have you forsaken me” and “It is finished”). Still, I don’t see

It’s been a while since I’ve been to church so I was puzzling over that for a moment too, thinking, “wait, that’s ‘canon’ isn’t it? The harrowing of Hell...”

Edit to add: It’s funny how I instinctively put quotes around ‘canon’ because I’m talking about religion and not nerd-dom, given where the word canon comes from...

It was never a question of “pissing off” Christians. The story of Judas is already set, and his fate. The only fact that matters is that random artists allow themselves to interpret facts their own way to twist the truth of the matter itself. Yes God is almighty, Knows all, and Judas’ betrayal was definitely expected.

I haven’t read how it’s handled in this book but “Judas also sends Jesus Christ to hell after he is crucified” shouldn’t “piss off” too many Christians as it’s a part of both the Apostles’ and Athanasian Creeds.

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I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my graves watery.

Canada is the most terrifying place in the world. Mirror Universe Canada is a tyrannical despotism populated by vicious, ruthless conquerors who have invaded peaceful Mirror Universe America six times. Their capture of Mirror Universe Michigan nearly brought us to our knees. Ten thousand starved polar bears, driven

Some people don’t understand the vastness of Texas.

I have no idea. People can’t understand why I don’t shop at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s. Yes both have Texas locations. They are also both about 6 hours (give or take an hour depending on road construction ) away from me.