the falconry is of interest to all.
the falconry is of interest to all.
Meredith and I have something in common.
I know that feel.
I wonder if they will have a drop-off or pick-up in bookings following this video. Pro: Taylor Swift lives here. Con: Love dies here.
like played
this was very well TAYed.
I'm sorry to all of my loved ones and supporters, this ordeal has just been hell on me.
If it weren't his actual, legal name I wouldn't use it either. Like, when I look up his court docket information I have to search for "Machine, War."
I think it's actually the rich cat from the aristocats, the disney movie
I think, also, that while no one is going to agree on an exact time legal "personhood" should start, we can agree it starts before the baby is born.
Nope. It does not start before a baby is born. Don't pretend you speak for everybody.
while no one is going to agree on an exact time legal "personhood" should start, we can agree it starts before the baby is born.
I could probably respond with something intelligent if I really tried but I just don't have it in me this morning
I am not very much pro-choice. I am completely pro-choice. I don't think a woman should ever be forced to undergo a procedure that will likely kill her to safeguard a fetus. If it is out in the world, it is a child. If it is in a womb, it is a fetus. In my world view, woman will always trump fetus.
In my opinion, even after the fetus is viable (not an exact scientific term) it should not be considered a person. That's the thinking that led to all those forced C-sections and Carhart and lot's of other horrible stuff. Viability is not a useful or progressive frame for this issue.
The sole goal of the religious vehemence of anti-abortion laws is to preserve the life of the baby long enough for it to be baptized and "saved." After that they wash their hands as though they were Pontius Pilate himself.
Nazi Minaj.
This happens, but my 27-year-old ass can't even get a mimosa at breakfast this morning because I forgot my ID.
Hey, I like "Silly Love Songs"!
I'm loving this Stewart/Paltrow Lifestyle Brand Beef. I'm not sure whether Martha and Gwyneth are Suge and Puffy or Biggie and Tupac but Blake Lively is definitely Ma$e.