
Speaking of children's stories that are depressing and make you cry, please read The Happy Prince if you haven't already. You will cry bitter, bitter tears of happy/sad.

I think my favorite thing about having a young niece has been discovering that play doh now proudly informs you that it's gluten free on the side of the little tub

Yeah, not gonna pretend that I'm too good to eat this. Put enough alcohol in me and this looks like the best idea ever.

This joke will never not be funny.

Salty Sweet Peanut Butter Caramel Funky Fritos

please, keep trying to explain to us how humor works

this is literally what your insides look like.

no, global beet, it's about awful pc groups ruining the country

What is sarcasm? How does it work?

Sorry, I meant among people who matter. ;-)

Oregon's new law is quite different on the taxation end than Washington's or Colorado's - for one, it's to be taxed at a flat $35/ounce. (We have no sales tax) That should add a little over $1/gram to retail price, which, at the medicinal dispensaries, currently runs pretty even with "street" prices. In addition,

Don't get it. Looks like a tinier version of Steve Buscemi to me.

Probably Ariana Grande

I heard that in my head in Karen Walker's voice

Producers of the third Bridget Jonesmovie are worried that Renee Zellweger's new face will render Bridget newly unrelatable.

She's also Brazillian, so there's that. Nice buts abound there.

All of this should be more spread out.

Reading this is exhausting. But soooo worth it. Mainly for Lucifer.

The cynical side of me is wondering what they left on the editing room floor, because kids that age certainly know how to be self-conscious about their looks.