Dammit! Does this mean we cannot shout sexism and have a long debate on the objectification of women and how this impacts on young girls if there's a What Your Favourite Disney Princesses Vaginas look like?
Dammit! Does this mean we cannot shout sexism and have a long debate on the objectification of women and how this impacts on young girls if there's a What Your Favourite Disney Princesses Vaginas look like?
It's his black ass in jail. It's his black ass that caused him to get the extortionate million dollar bail. He be black. Black and fine as hell.
You mean Super Bass, yo!
If men can show nipples women should be able to show nipples. It's really that simple, MR Instagram, you sexist, antiquated, bastard!
Oh just fuck off, James fucking Franco! It's not big, it's not clever!
I agree with you. Both responses from Rebecca have been OTT and, quite frankly, bizarre and unfoundedly defensive.
:( wow. Even if you don't agree is this necessary? How is this not also "cyber bullying"?
Calm down, love. You and your "fans" are in danger of doing that which you are hitting out against in your article.
I think Jeremy is still in shock.
boring and beyond
haha! I've been living in the UK too long. x
I think it's unfortunate that you are writing an article about this incident having not watched the show.
Why if this is "nobody else's prob" are YOU so bothered? Move the fuck on and stop repeating your inane point, which is essentially that I should agree with the author or die. It's moronic to suggest that someone should avoid the, quite frankly, unavoidable internet if they don't want to see spoilers. I live in the…
I really didn't expect to see any spoilers just expected a vague debate on them. Then Joffrey happened and I was destroyed. Silly of me, in retrospect, I know.
Oh and you are the pleasant love child of Rainbow Brite and Apple Jack from My Little Pony? Really? By telling me to get the fuck off the internet when I didn't send for you? Have a seat \_ Gurl, bye.
Here's the thing, hon. "Go fuck yourself." xoxo
Put your dick head hat on instead
I agreed with you until I scrolled down and read through the comments only to find out about a Game Of Thrones shocker that aired just last week. I won't repeat it, just in case it spoils it for someone else because I'm not a dick head. I'm now furious. I have taken deep breaths but the breaths have only served to add…