
If you’re trying to wrap your brain around why certain white people have such a hysterical reaction to the mere notion of black empowerment, just take a moment to consider what white people have historically done with their power.

It’s impossible to know what was said at the meeting, which was a private one; both clearly believe their version of events.

Hhhh...ok, you seem sincere enough, so here’s a sincere, respectful reply: Quite simply, a klan hood or a swastika or a confederate flag seem to be the only markers that most people (white people) have for “racism.” By extension, if those markers aren’t present, it’s open season to cape, defend, devil’s advocate,

I’m sorry you felt it was terrible

I’m not meaning this to be sarcastic at all FYI but my answer is: the progressive equivalents are virtually all of academia, college, and books. Anyone can make a youtube channel and get followers by stating outlandish opinions in an outlandish way. Anyone can NOT become an expert in their field over decades and write

Great interview! I wanted to read more! I downloaded her report and will check it out later.

This is so frustrating! Pelosi literally didn’t say what you all are putting in her mouth. She said this one district’s win is not a solution to every district. I think it’s great that we’re finally realizing the best person to win every district doesn’t need to be an old white man but the win in this district doesn’t

“Let us pause here for a moment and give thanks once again to those brave voices of The Left who would not be cowed by the extortionate pleadings of Hillary Rodham Clinton to remember the importance of the Supreme Court while casting their precious vanity ballots in November of 2016. Well done, dilettantes.” - Charlie

You make it sound petty. When actually, what they wanted was a way to recognize their union/partnership without all the religious trappings/issues of ‘marriage’. As fewer and fewer people are comfortable with what that all entails, civil unions are a way to gain all the benefits of shared property, etc. without going

without resorting to gendered slurs

The pearl-clutching that crawls out when the alt-right seeks a tit-for-tat takedown is hilarious and sad. Their is no actual belief behind their poutrage, it is just for show.

I feel like everyone knows an adam levine. He’s the popular guy who’s super nice to [hot] girls. And all of your beautiful friends are like “What, he’s super nice!” and you’re like “He has literally never spoken to me once.”

That’s right, boo.

Call him a damn liar.

I have BPD.

BPD (borderline personality disorder) is the MOST stigmatized mental illness. I worked in mental health for several years and even my supervisors would tell me to be careful around clients with BPD in ways they’d never suggest even with clients who experience schizoaffective disorder. It’s truly upsetting the way

Mr. Bells is a programmer. He makes a substantial income.

When I was in high school, I once had a teacher make disapproving comments about a skirt I was wearing. It was very long but had buttons all the way down. I had half of the buttons unbuttoned (that’s kind of how it was meant to fit) so that you could see the amount of leg you would see with a short, but still within