
Further, who exactly is deciding who is ‘able bodied’ enough to work? Some bureaucrat in a cubicle?

In my experience, a company offering “flexible hours” is really just offering very few hours—- like 15 hours/week. And even though they’re only giving you 15 hours, they expect your availability to far exceed that.

Bill Maher is trash.

Even going back to the 70's and early 80's, the most common type of civilian owned firearms were revolvers with a six bullet capacity and relatively slow reload time and rifles of varying calibre for hunting, usually with either a bolt action which gives one shot before reloading or a five round magazine.

Really embracing the “America’s Dairyland” moniker.

Yeah. I’ve also explained to what feels like a BILLION men that women aren’t running screaming to HR over every unwanted hug or boob-stare. We put up with A LOT OF FUCKERY.

The thing that struck me about Roiphe’s argument there (in addition to your very valid point that women shouldn’t have to take that shit in any event) is that even if every woman in the world was absolutely unbothered by sexual advances or sexual harassment in the workplace, I have a very hard time believing that men

I’m a man, and contrary to what the media would have you believe, I’m not living my life in fear of being accused of sexual harassment and losing my job. Why? Because I make sure my behavior at work is above board and professional at all times, and that I treat my female colleagues with the respect they deserve as

Show me a smart, competent professional man who is utterly derailed by an anonymous accusation that was hastily deleted from social media and I will show you a rare spotted owl.

“The majority of women in the workplace are not tender creatures and are largely adept at dealing with all varieties of uncomfortable or hostile situations,” Roiphe wrote in the New York Timesin 2011. “Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or

Yeah, Trump Country drives me up the freaking wall. Trump voters are overwhelmingly white. Full stop. That’s important. But they’re also the sort of white people who are lazy, and who want to make their political arguments on affect and opinions they pull out their asses—they don’t want to make fact-based arguments,

The Democratic Party absolutely abandoned these voters. When a Democratic President championed and signed the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, it turned its back on everything these voters stood for.

I have zero time for handwringing about these guys. Should they be able to have a basic standard of living and one or two people who enjoy them enough to keep in touch? Sure. I’m willing to engage in some advocacy on behalf of poor sex offenders in that vein. Everyone listed already has that, though.

Oh, go fuck yourself. I’m a guy and I ride the NYC subway for at least 120 minutes each weekday as a part of my commute. I fucking cross my legs at the knee or keep my legs together, like a normal goddamn human being. Nothing happens to my balls. They’re there. They sit there. Just like everyone else’s fucking balls.

Lee Gelernt is a cool dude and the ACLU’s Immigrants Rights Project is awesome and deserves all of your support (along with all the other orgs that have filed lawsuits this week fighting the executive order, which includes, in alphabetical order, the American Immigration Council, the Legal Aid Justice Center, the Natio

So the town took a philosophical question personally, buried its guilt deep beneath a giant mound of self-righteous indignation, then clutched its pearls and claimed that the real problem is people asking this question.

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Seeing as how this country was founded on a bunch of guys from another country barging their way over here, and in the rudest, most violent way possible, I find it so ironic that Trumpets are so hung-up on illegal immigrants.

Don’t tell women what we like. I’m fucking sick of dudes doing that. Assuming women are inherently visually attractive and men aren’t assumes that objective truth conforms to the male gaze and casually erases the reality of straight women and gay men.

We are planning a Hygge themed wedding. The bridesmaids’ dresses will be warm Scandinavian knit sweaters, the groom has been growing a long bushy beard and on the wedding day he’ll be hiding cinnamon sticks and star anise in it and the bride will be driven into the wedding venue in a 1974 beige Volvo station wagon.