
Having money issues is not an excuse to promote predatory grifters.

It is definitely on my wish list! I’m pretty much stuck using whatever they happen to have at the foodbank, though. But good to know it works as advertised!

Anyone who values clean floors over their guests not being in pain shouldn’t be allowed to socialize with other humans anyway.

As someone with A) severe foot pain that is partially helped by wearing supportive footwear, and B) someone with severe anxiety regarding foot odors, I fond attitudes like this pretty ableist and gross. But thanks for letting me know I’m not welcome!

The draft shouldn't exist, for men or women, but so long as it does it shouldn't be applicable to some and not others on the basis of sex.

I think that’s likely what most, if not all supporters of choice want. But how we talk about it matters. Better sex education, inexpensive and easy access to birth control, freer access to emergency contraceptives — these are things that will naturally lead to fewer abortions. And that will happen whether we say a

With lying to and deceiving women being codified into law I think our only recourse is to speak the truth louder where women need to hear it most - right before she walks in through the front door. We need to be sitting outside, camped out on sidewalks, letting women know what the place they are about to walk into is

No gas chambers though so this is totally fine, right?

No gas chambers though so this is totally fine, right?

There are a whole lot of people that are somewhere between hospitalized and ready and able to work. I count myself among them: I’m currently in an intensive outpatient mental health program that I attend 3 days a week. The likelihood of my finding a job that is flexible enough to work around that is virtually

I was 15, working at a chain bagel shop in an extra progressive neighborhood of an already progressive city when I was first faced with *overt* sexual harassment. And I put up with a lot of it, because strong not-to-be-derailed and all that, yeah? I cringed when my boss smacked my ass, I forced a chuckle when he told

I worked at Macy’s for about 6 hours around the same time, not the iconic Miracle on 34th Street one but one out here in Portland - a lame mall anchor store location.

A giant wall totally counts as infrastructure though, right? That we won’t even have to pay for, because A) Mexico and B) Prison Labor. Don’t need a DoT for that!

I recently read an interesting article (and by interesting I mean sad and rage inducing) about people not giving a fuck if their news is fake or not. And it makes sense, we live in highly curated info bubbles that we create from the things we want to believe. They want to believe salacious nonsense to justify their

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Because sometimes guided meditation is helpful.

This is my fall/winter coat and I love it. I get a little sad when the weather warms up and I can’t get away with wearing it.

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I’ve already loved this one. I don’t think getting Michel Gondry to direct your commercials is a realistic goal for most though.

This kind of shit makes me livid. I’m a woman who works in tech. And while I think I have been very fortunate in my professional life in many ways, within the context of a creative digital agency and as a freelancer, it certainly has been bumpy at times.

In my experience there hasn’t been a great deal of overt sexism,

As a Portland native, I endorse this message. Anyone using an umbrella is instantly recognized as an out-of-towner.

As it so happens, Portland Community College is having Whiteness History Month this April! I have a feeling it isn’t precisely what Mr. Domalick is looking for though.