I have foot issues that make going shoeless physically painful. Floors are meant to be walked on.
I have foot issues that make going shoeless physically painful. Floors are meant to be walked on.
I don’t mind a shoes-off rule in a home, but let me know that shit BEFORE I get there. I may not have planned for such a rule and might be wearing my I’m-doing-laundry-tomorrow socks or been running around all day and my feet can build up a substantial funk. I hate fucking getting to someone’s house and they “Oh, by…
Who’s doing that? You don’t need to convince me nothing will ever top the deliciousness of good cow’s milk. Unfortunately, as my body decided to stop digesting milk and it now turns me into a gassy, inflamed mess, I had to look for the next best thing.
The Republican Party is a full blown death cult at this point. Per a recent NYT article (linked below), its most extreme elements have pivoted from “Stop the Vote” conspiratorial efforts to “Stop the Vaccine.” In this case of Missouri Republicans telling their own constituents to eat shit and die, it’s one more…
It makes total sense.
It’s the natural result of a nationalist philosophy. When you espouse xenophobia, decry multiculturalism, and condemn the arts as elitist and effeminate (and therefore undesirable), you’re going to get staid aesthetics like these, since you’ve decided to reject any of the influences that might make your “fashions”…
I’m going to admit I kind of like this dress. I just despise the person wearing it.
I mean, at this point, you’ve got to give his supporters back to god. They aren’t our burden to bear for much longer.
The good faith argument was directed at the author of this piece. And yes, I know you can act in good faith and still be unconsciously racist. That’s not the point. I’m saying you can also be not racist and act in bad faith, which is what I think the author here is doing. She’s basically proving she’s doing exactly…
But haven’t just as many progressives and activists been telling white people that racism is their problem to solve and that white allies have to work on other white people to make them how they’re a part of the problem, and to stop looking to POC to tell them what to do? But when white women tackle it head on and…
I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.
I was about to explain to you why your argument is wrong and fucked up. Then I read your comment history....
That is a HUUUUUGE part of the problem and has been for years — the dipshits in media giving “equal time” to abject morons (often morons with nefarious ulterior motives) in the name of “fairness.” Fairness does not require us to entertain demonstrably-wrong fuckwits. All it does is legitimize them in the eyes of other…
So, I voted for Bernie. Not because I am in anyway a Stan for him (I don’t particularly care for his more vitriolic online army). His platform just happens to be the closest to mine.
I feel like you’re unfairly grouping in Warren supporters with the other guy. I’ve not encountered a single one who has said they aren’t voting. I can’t say the same for the other guys. Warren’s entire brand was pragmatic progressivism and highly regulated capitalism, for which she was crucified by the Berners.