And another reason would be because he follows Kylie Jenner on instagram and takes gift recommendations from her. This nonexistent boyfriend sounds like a real dumb piece of shit.
And another reason would be because he follows Kylie Jenner on instagram and takes gift recommendations from her. This nonexistent boyfriend sounds like a real dumb piece of shit.
Once when I was a kid, I suggested my dad get my mom a vacuum for Christmas. He just laughed at me.
Because that’s not how body parts work
I’d like to think that our mothers were just trying to show us that life isn’t always fair, and we have to be okay with that fact.
“...I’d embarrass her if I said her name, she’s incredibly famous.”
Another reason to dump him would be a belief that a cream can increase the size of a body part.
So Kristen Stewart is....Taken?
Is it just me or does Kristen Stewart look exactly like Jena Malone in that header photo? I’ve never really thought of them as looking alike but I won’t be able to unsee it now.
“I respect your view,” the politician said, “patting Mr. Kierstead on the shoulder and starting to walk away.”
That’s okay, he’s apparently never heard of Manifest Destiny either. American history really isn’t his thing.
Right. Like she could ever get a toaster. Conceited much, Grandma?
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
The first time I heard a straight guy say “If you let a man marry a man what’ s next? A man marrying a dog?” I wondered who’s mind goes to the bestiality option that quickly besides someone obsessed with it.
I attended a Rubio town hall last Thursday in NH. He’s an empty suit spouting platitudes like a Chatty Cathy doll. Pull the string, and out comes one of a dozen answers. There is no more to Marco Rubio than this. they have proof that Rubio didn’t spend his college Summer’s blowing sailors for candy bars and spare change? I think not!
(Straight) Men are so insecure. They don’t ever want others to have the same protections they have.
Apparently Marco doesn’t realize that NH passed marriage equality legislation in 2010. Of course, Marco’s the dumbass who invited supporters to a pancake breakfast and didn’t have any pancakes.
“I respect your view,” the politician said, “patting Mr. Kierstead on the shoulder and starting to walk away.”
The Puritan Backroom is also the name of my Salem Witch Hunt-themed gay sex dungeon.