Sex Boat (fka miss_chevious)

wait. you mean other people are not like this? I have an 18 year old pooh bear whose origins resemble these. it is the size of a baby. still smaller than the bunny.

Nope, no “Most Recent” in the Facebook app at all... You get to Most Recent the exact same way you get to it from the mobile site.

Messenger might be the main culprit b/c of the notifications, but if you don’t need them, the other benefit of the Facebook mobile site is that you can access your messages w/o the need for Messenger

And you can get FB messages without a separate app!

I stopped using the facebook app when they started insisting that Messenger be a separate app... Lame. I have been using the Mobile website on my Galaxy Note 4 since i got it, and was doing so on my S3 before that. Not everyone wants an app when a regular HTML page gets the job done.

I made one in 5th grade and then waited... 9 years to go back.

Let he who DOESN’T always answer the door naked from the waist down cast the first stone. Thought so.

Despite my ribbing them in another thread, I don’t loathe Coldplay. I’m just not moved to seek out second hearings of their songs. Which is fine, they’re successful without MY stamp of approval! I do question them as half-time performance artists, though. They’re a band that is meant to be listened to, more than

You bring up a number that puts you within the researched value for that position in your area. I actually had this happen during my last interview. They asked for my requirements. I gave them a range and explained it was based on my experience and known salaries for that job in other organizations.

His exact response was, “It’s not a very good song is it?”

It’s never lupus.

To be fair, Shelties are a reasonably small dog breed, but that’s still a pretty big bunny.

Thank you for informing us of your Beyoncé Opinion! I’ll make sure it’s noted in the registry.

I guess y’all never heard of Flemish Giants? Well, here you go.

Right? Like, how many other quality musicians have gently told Chris Martin that he should stop writing music?

Wasn’t there just another story about how they tried to write something for Bowie and he also turned them down? Take the hint, guys.

There are multiple safety systems in place regarding the gate being open for sliding. The control tower only clears sliders after confirming the gate is open and there is a live video to the tower of the gate to monitor. This is not a gate that can fall closed, it is a large concrete barrier that is manually moved

I’m very glad there was never a bobsled track anywhere near my college, because I can guarantee myself and my roommate would have thought that was a good idea at some point.